Tuesday, March 24, 2020

J.M. Keynes’s Dreams of a Eugenic Future

Recommendable! The article mentions a publication by Keynes, which I do not remember at all, i.e. "Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren" and claims that it "ranks among the best-known contributions in the economic writings of John Maynard Keynes". The latter, I seriously doubt!

That JMK was a proponent of government birth and population control is not a new claim! Apparently, birth and population control was very popular among Western intellectuals until the Third Reich!

The article does not mention that J. M. Keynes was a known homosexual, which may have also contributed to his sometimes extreme views!

J.M. Keynes’s Dreams of a Eugenic Future – AIER: Keynes’s futuristic vision also entailed a scientifically planned world of human heredity, ordered around a state policy of eugenics.

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