Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Paper Sheds Light on Infant Universe and Origin of Matter

The Institute for Advanced Study and the researchers refers to it as axiogenesis! We will find out whether this latest subatomic particle QCD axion will live up to its extensive expectations! This miracle particle is supposed to explain a lot of stuff!

"... the QCD axion was originally proposed to explain the so-called strong CP problem—why the strong force, which binds protons and neutrons together, unexpectedly preserves a symmetry called the Charge Parity (CP) symmetry. ... Kinetic energy, resulting from the motion of the QCD axion, produced additional baryons or ordinary matter. This slight tipping of the scale in favor of matter [rather than antimatter] would have had a pronounced cascade effect, paving the way for the universe as it is known today. ..."

Paper Sheds Light on Infant Universe and Origin of Matter | Institute for Advanced Study: A new study, conducted to better understand the origin of the universe, has provided insight into some of the most enduring questions in fundamental physics: How can the Standard Model of particle physics be extended to explain the cosmological excess of matter over antimatter? What is dark matter? And what is the theoretical origin of an unexpected but observed symmetry in

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