Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Real Reasons For The Trump Impeachment

Posted: 1/21/2020
Simply, the most important reasons can be summarized as:
  1. Cover up of the former and long time U.S. Senator and then Vice President Joseph Biden’s family corruption
  2. Distraction from what is much bigger and much more sophisticated than Watergate

The total lack of candor on the part of the Dimocratic Party to investigate the Biden corruption is breathtaking and damaging for the party and overall for U.S. politics for years to come!

The yet unknown full story of the Obama administration's attempt and involvement to illegally undermine an opposition presidential candidate’s election campaign is most likely unprecedented in its scope and given the many high level accomplices! The famous question is what did then president Obama know about it and when did he know about it!

I make a prediction that Nancy Pelosi will go down in history as one of the worst Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives! She should become a poster child of how not to run the House!

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