Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Q&A with Julia Ott

The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ is drifting towards socialism.

Prof. Julia Ott said among other things that "... Myths about venture capital stand in the way of democratic deliberation about how our society might direct the socially generated surplus of today's economy towards building a better economy for the future ..."

This pure and very naive socialism coming from this professor!

When asked "What question within your field do you most want to answer and why?" Prof Ott answered: "...
1) Why do so many Americans believe that "venture capital" is essential for economic growth and technological innovation—and that inequality is the price we must pay? 2) How did the discourse of meritocracy displace a more overt language of white supremacy in American political culture (at least for a time) ..."
Amazing that such a biased ideologue becomes a professor in the U.S. and is then interviewed by the prestigious IAS!

Q&A with Julia Ott | Institute for Advanced Study: In 2019–20, Julia Ott, Member in the School of Social Science and Associate Professor at the New School for Social Research, is examining the origins of venture capital as an idea, as a form of investment, and as an organized industry.

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