Thursday, October 31, 2019

Kommentar: Ermittler brauchen Rückendeckung der Politik

The German government plans to introduce extreme Miranda warning rights for crime suspects. Thus tying the hands of police offers behind their back! Police officers would not be allowed to interview any suspects without their attorneys being present!

Germany is already extremely lenient when it comes to crime sentencing and prosecution (Kuscheljustiz, Kuschelstrafe, Kuschelstrafverfolgung). Dangerous perpetrators are usually released from custody by police on the same day. Criminal sentences for serious crimes are so lenient in Germany that a slap on the wrist would have been a more serious punishment!

Concerns for the victims of crimes are basically non-existent in Germany!

Kommentar: Ermittler brauchen Rückendeckung der Politik: Polizisten sollen Verdächtige künftig erst vernehmen dürfen, wenn ein Anwalt anwesend ist. Doch die geplante Neuregelung ist fatal – und...

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