Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Light from the cosmic web maps filaments across millions of light-years

Very recommendable! These gaseous cosmic filaments are 12 billion light years away and stretch over 3 million light years! These largest structures of the universe were only discovered in the late 1980s! One of the largest structures identified so far extends over 10 billion light years! Wow!

"Part of the web of gaseous filaments thought to permeate intergalactic space has been mapped directly for the first time. Two filaments of the web were observed ... The team’s discovery heralds an important milestone in our understanding of the largest known structures in the universe, paving the way for future studies with even larger telescopes.

First gaining prominence in the late 1990s, the lambda cold dark matter model predicts that over 60% of all baryonic (normal) matter resides within a complex network of hydrogen gas filaments, which spans the entire universe."

Light from the cosmic web maps filaments across millions of light-years (10/7/19)
Massive Filaments Fuel The Growth Of Galaxies And Supermassive Black Holes (10/3/19)

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