Monday, July 02, 2018

The Two Sides Of Individual Liberty

Posted: 7/2/2018  Updated: 9/10/2018, 7/4/2018, 7/3/2018

Individual Rights & Duties

Individual liberty does not exist by itself, it comes with certain requirements. The two sides presented below are strictly complementary. You can not have one without the other. In particular the Other Side requires a lifelong and dedicated effort. Too many contemporary individuals expect to exercise their rights, but without the concomitant duties.

One Side
Other Side
Individual Liberty
Individual Responsibility
Individual Self Reliance
Individual Self Government (Discipline/Self Restraint)
Individual Humility
Individual Trust & Optimism
Individual, Independent Thinking, Learning & Self Improvement

Many humans claim individual liberty for themselves, but ignore or even violate the Other Side. I call this the great conundrum of individual liberty. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Unfortunately, the ever bigger and growing government in Western democracies has increasingly destroyed the Other Side and thereby significantly reducing or maintaining little individual liberty. This is particularly and sadly true for the U.S.

Immanuel Kant On Individual Liberty

Immanuel Kant wrote a famous, short essay (published 1784): "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity." (German: Der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit). To this day, many humans have not yet emerged as Kant had wished for! The customary english translation of Kant’s famous essay title is incorrect, but I cannot come up with a better translation at the moment. But Kant surely referred e.g. to individual responsibility and individual, independent learning and thinking.

Great Individual Responsibility

With individual liberty comes great individual responsibility for oneself, others, and nature. If you make a mistake don’t blame anyone else, but admit it and correct it.

Too many contemporaries do not accept the attendant individual responsibility or they apply individual responsibility only very inconsistently.

Unfortunately, Western democracies have greatly ruined this aspect of individual liberty by e.g. way too lenient criminal or civil punishment! In other words, the elected representatives have chosen to rather absolve acts of individual irresponsibility.

Just a brief (hypothetical) example: Imagine for a moment, there were no speed limits, but only speed guidances for motor vehicle drivers. Then if someone drove say 30% over the speed guidance and injures fellow human beings what should his/her punishment be?

Individual Self Reliance

Individual self reliance does not mean that individuals do not voluntarily form or become members of associations to help each other. Individual self reliance does not deny or prevent charity towards others in need. Au contraire, individual liberty and responsibility strongly suggest to help where you can.

E.g. the modern welfare state is the opposite and a subversion of individual self reliance. It has greatly contributed to the destruction of individual liberty.

Individual Self Government

If you cannot e.g. control your passions and prejudices, then individual liberty is not for you!

Immodesty, self righteousness, overconfidence, and excessive pride are all enemies of individual liberty and run afoul of self government.

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