Sunday, July 08, 2018

Justice Sotomayor Is Terribly Incompetent

Posted: 7/7/2018


Just watched this very brief excerpt of a CBC 60 Minutes interview with Justice Sonia Sotomayor (this video is less than 3 minutes long, but very revealing). This video was apparently posted by CBC itself with the caption “Constitution: A living document or not?”

I was truly stunned about Sotomayor’s utter incompetence as one of the highest judges of the land. Sotomayor chose this very peculiar example of “Quartering of Soldiers” to express or defend that the U.S. Constitution is a living document. She deserves an F grade for that.


  1. Bet, she has very carefully and deliberately selected the “Quartering of Soldiers” example. Presumably, there is a very low probability of any case coming any time soon before the U.S. Supreme Court dealing with this aspect
  2. However, she did not at all understand that the Founders and Framers wrote this particular protection of citizens and their homes in the constitution, because in the past this is what happened frequently, not least by the British colonial powers
  3. She did not understand or appreciate that this protection was granted to citizens even in the event or in the face of war powers of government
  4. One can also conclude from this particular amendment that the protection of your home was of paramount importance to the founders and framers. As a general principle, government powers should be considerably limited even in war times. That is a lesson, Sotomayor completely failed to grasp

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