Friday, July 06, 2018

How LGBT Propaganda Undermines Science

Posted: 7/6/2018


I have liked the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) on Facebook some time ago. Since then, I had seen rarely any posting from EMBL or perhaps even none. However, on July 2nd, 2018, the EMBL posts following:
For #LGBTSTEMday this week we've decided to make ourselves a bit more colourful...

I have immediately responded with following comment: “What the heck is this! I expect science not propaganda! You are wasting taxpayer money! You are disqualified!

Some discussion ensued and EMBL posted we have community guidelines. Debate is encouraged but personal attacks, trolling and abuse will not be tolerated

Well, unfortunately the EMBL does not have policies to prevent propaganda from being posted on their official Facebook page.

At Issue

When a leading scientific institution elevates and celebrates the cause of the lifestyles of a minority of scientists, then this is propaganda and not science and taxpayers pay for it. How often does the EMBL e.g. celebrate heterosexual weeks?

I suspect or I am afraid, such Facebook postings are only possible, because there is a determined, well organized circle of this lifestyle minority of scientists inside this institution (perhaps even at higher levels of leadership and administration), using this institution to further their cause.

I am afraid, this also opens the door for self dealing and corruption like the much despised old boy network (clique; German: Seilschaft). Now it is the LGBT club.

Not only former U.S. President Obama set a terrible example when he lit up the White House in rainbow colors following a U.S. Supreme Court decision.

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