Friday, July 20, 2018

YouTube Annoyances

Posted: 7/20/2018  Updated: 10/1/2019, 8/30/2018, 8/22/2018

Update Of 10/1/2019

5. Annoyance: Why the heck is YouTube constantly turning on the autoplay feature, although I have turned it off several dozens of times. I hate this! Grrrr!

Update Of 8/30/2018

4. Annoyance: Recently, YouTube decided to add new videos to the Watch Later list at the end instead of the beginning of the list as was customary for a long time. This is terribly annoying!
If you want to watch something you have recently added to your Watch Later list you have to scroll down all the way. This is painful as you can only scroll down 100 videos at a time!

Update Of 8/22/2018

3. Annoyance: If you have already commented on a video you previously watched, the YouTube does not show or indicate that you have already commented or not commented on a previously watched video.
Terribly annoying!

Original Annoyances

  1. Annoyance

Why is YouTube suggesting the same videos over and over again although I have either already watched that video before or that video is already on my Watch Later list
Terribly annoying!!!!

  1. Annoyance

I have probably dozens of videos in my lists that are marked as deleted or have changed their status to private etc. Why is there no function to delete those videos from my various lists?

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