Thursday, September 19, 2013

True Bending Of The Cost Curve In Health Care

Update Of 11/2/2013
I just read following article titled “Computer-Controlled Anesthesia Could Be Safer for Patients” in the online MIT Technology Review.

I like computer to take over critical (in particular long duration) tasks from human doctors. Anesthesiologists are very expensive doctors or nurses. I suspect to replace them with computers is safer and a lot cheaper! :-) We just pray the slow and antiquated FDA approves it quickly!

President Obama Is A Superman Of Hyperbole

Thanks to ObamaCare (a.k.a. ACA or Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act) we learnt a lot about that a government run health care was capable to bend the ever rising cost curve of health care. As usual, Big government proponents are easily afflicted with immodesty and hyperbole.

In The Wake Of The Exponential Technology Revolution

I recently read in an article that an app for a smart phone would be capable of performing cheap, basic optometric examinations of the eye. I have seen at least one other article with similar claims here.

Where is IBM’s Dr. Watson when you need it?

Thus, I believe it is quite possible that humanity has finally reached a point where relentless innovation in Information & Communication Technology will contribute significantly to reduce the costs of health care.

In the past, it was an empirical given that medical innovations were rather complimentary to existing technologies and added to the costs of health care. May be not any longer!

Patients Beware!

Bust the Medical Trust of health insurance, medical schools, health professionals, health care providers (e.g. hospitals)!

Keep government and vested interests out of the way!

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