Friday, September 20, 2013

In The Race Of Antibiotics Resistance Humans Will Win

Multidrug Resistance Scare

For some time, the media have reported about all kinds of bacterial drug resistance and its dangers. If we would only prescribe less antibiotics. If we would use less of it in daily cleaners or in livestock treatment and so on. Here is a link to an article (German language) I read today about this subject.

It’s A Race Of Evolution Against Human Intelligence

We have already discovered that cocktails of drugs can be a lot more effective than individual drugs, see e.g. AIDS treatment. It appears that pathogens are much less capable of adopting to cocktails than to individual drugs.

Not long ago I read an article which described that there is a race between certain snakes and their specific predators. The snake’s venom is constantly evolving, because the predator is constantly evolving its resistance. It’s a race like an arms race.

Since the exponential revolution of technology humans are going to win the race against pathogens. There is no doubt!

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