Monday, September 30, 2013

Inventor Of Gun Powder Wins European Car Crash Test


These days, I read following article published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung titled “Chinesen erzielen Höchstnote bei Crashtest” (German language) dated 9/25/2013.

The article reports that for the first time a Chinese car manufacturer, i.e. Qoros,  scored the highest rating in the European crash test called EuroNCAP-Crashtest. According to the article Qoros has hired leading European managers to achieve this result.


This is just another breathtaking example how fast Chinese companies are moving and how competitive they can be.

If I was a CEO of a Western car maker I would have some sleepless nights. Only a few years ago Chinese car makers failed miserably in this European car test. Not anymore!

Good times for consumers since more choices means cheaper and better cars. The exclusive club of European and US car makers is coming to an end. Where are the Indians and Brazilians?

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