Thursday, July 18, 2024

Guns in Every Ukrainian Home to deter future invasions by Russia

Good idea! Like the armed militia of Switzerland! Switzerland is not only protected by alpine mountains from invasion!

"Less than 2 percent of adult Ukrainians own a firearm – the lowest in Europe. Meanwhile, gun ownership level of US is such that even without an army there is no risk of invasion ever. It makes sense that a lot of Americans want to donate a firearm. Also, tens of thousands of firearms are destroyed in US by police. So, I started project called Ukrainian Arsenal of Liberty in order to create legal mechanisms and logistics for willing Americans or police to donate firearms. I do believe that if every Ukrainian own a firearm, we will never get invaded again."

US Guns in Every Ukrainian Home? One Ukrainian lawmaker is actively working to bring donated US assault rifles into every Ukrainian home as protection against future Russian invasions.

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