Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The oldest kiss according to ancient text

Currently, this could be one of the hottest scientific research articles! 

Unfortunately, the proper research article is not cited by the two sources below! Thus, I suspect it is actually not recent research!

"... Recent studies have suggested that the first known record of romantic kissing is on a Bronze Age manuscript from India, tentatively dated to 1,500 BCE. ...
Cuneiform writing was first developed in Mesopotamia by the ancient Sumerians around 3,500 BCE. The researchers found references to kissing in texts dating from 2,500 BCE onwards. In the earliest Sumerian texts, kissing and sex often were described together. ..."

"... The sources from ancient Mesopotamia suggest that kissing in relation to sex, family, and friendship was an ordinary part of everyday life in central parts of the ancient Middle East from the late 3rd millennium BCE onward. ..."

Smooching and herpes inseparable for more than 4,000 years Researchers have delved into the ancient past to discover when romantic kissing likely originated and the pathogens, such as the herpes simplex virus, that have followed the practice from then until now.

The ancient history of kissing Sources from Mesopotamia contextualize the emergence of kissing and its role in disease transmission

A clay model from Mesopotamia, dated ∼1800 BCE, shows a couple kissing (and copulating?).

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