Monday, January 23, 2023

MIT: How OpenAI used low-paid Kenyan workers to make ChatGPT less toxic. Really!

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology wags a moral finger again! 

I freely speculate here, but quite possibly this kind of work could not be done anymore in many Western countries, because of high labor costs & legislation, and ideological obsessions!

Were these workers really low paid compared to similar jobs offered in Kenya? Were these workers even better paid than other Kenyan workers in other jobs?

Otherwise, ChatGPT would not have been available yet!

"... OpenAI used a Kenyan company called Sama to train its popular AI system, ChatGPT, to generate safer content. Low-paid workers sifted through endless amounts of graphic and violent content on topics such as child sexual abuse, bestiality, murder, suicide, torture, self-harm, and incest. This story is a good reminder of all the deeply unpleasant work humans have to do behind the scenes to make AI systems safe [for Western and other consumers]. ..."

The economy is down, but AI is hot. Where do we go from here?

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