Saturday, November 26, 2022

Ultra high resolution MRI reveals never-seen-before changes in brains of migraine sufferers

Are we finally coming closer to more effective treatments and better understanding of migraine?

"Though they are common and can have severely debilitating effects, the precise cause of migraines remains a mystery. A study ... leveraging cutting-edge imaging technology to gain a new perspective on structures in the brain, which revealed enlarged spaces around the blood vessels in people suffering the condition.
The research centers on what are known as perivascular spaces, which are gaps around the blood vessels that help clear fluids from the brain. ...
An advanced imaging technology called 7T MRI was then used to compare tiny differences in their brains. ...
Among these changes were cerebral microbleeds, along with enlarged perivascular spaces in the centrum semiovale region of the brain, in the migraine sufferers. ..."

MRI reveals never-seen-before spaces in brains of migraine sufferers

Ultra-high-res MRI Reveals Migraine Brain Changes

Brain imaging has revealed distinct features in the brains of migraine sufferers, depicted here as cerebral microbleed (left) and enlarged perivascular spaces (right)

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