Friday, November 25, 2022

Indoor Farming Revolution For World’s Priciest Spice

Will we soon get a cheaper taste of saffron? As an aficionado of spices I look forward to trying saffron! Variety is the spice of life! 😊

"... Saffron-Tech, a startup founded in 2020, is transforming the way saffron is grown, and, possibly, the way it is traded.

Its team of expert agronomists have developed technology to produce four harvests a year, instead of one, and to grow the corms (that’s the correct term for a saffron bulb) indoors, rather than in open fields.

They use sophisticated vertical-farming methods, with layer above layer of the corms, in conditions where the temperature, humidity, and irrigation and are strictly regulated by artificial intelligence.

It’s the first significant change to the way saffron has been grown commercially in centuries, and is 50 times more productive than field cultivation."

Indoor Farming Revolution For World’s Priciest Spice AI method of growing saffron is 50 times more productive

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