Saturday, July 09, 2022

The story of Brittney Griner: A few notes

As a former (amateur) basketball player myself I became interested in her story! There is much more to her story than what is widely known about her.

Did she become a Lesbian partly because she was mocked perhaps even bullied (whatever bullying means) at a young age etc. because of her height and/or because she likes snakes? Unfortunately, there are quite a few males who do not like females to be taller than themselves. These prejudices will hopefully go away with time.

"Starting in her sophomore year, Griner practiced with the boys' basketball team, and worked with a Nimitz football coach to develop her leg strength in preparation for learning to dunk.". Amazing! Did this subject  her to possible bullying?

Her personal life as an adult appears to have had some tumultuous episodes. "On August 14, 2014, Griner announced her engagement to fellow WNBA player Glory Johnson. On April 22, 2015, they were both arrested on charges of assault and disorderly conduct after police responded to a fight between the two in their suburban home in Phoenix, Arizona. Both had sustained some injuries. Despite this incident, they married the following month on May 8, 2015, in Phoenix. On May 15, 2015, the WNBA suspended Griner and Johnson for seven games each after Griner pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct charges. Griner was also required to complete 26 weeks of domestic violence counseling.
On June 4, 2015, Griner and Johnson announced that Johnson was pregnant with twins. The following day, and after less than a month of marriage, Griner filed for an annulment of the marriage citing fraud and duress; the annulment was denied.  The couple's divorce was finalized in June 2016. ..."

She was arrested on drug charges at the Moscow airport on February 17, 2022, just a few days before Putin the Terrible started the war of aggression against the Ukraine. Pure coincidence or planned? Was that the first time she carried "cartridges containing hashish oil" in her luggage traveling to Russia. It is reported that she played for five seasons in Russia.
How stupid of her was it to bring contraband to a country run by Putin the Terrible? Did nobody ever pointed this out to her?

If Brittney Griner has a substance use disorder, then you can bet that the former KGB chief Putin the Terrible knew about it.

Brittney Griner - Wikipedia

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