Saturday, July 09, 2022

Olga Feldmeier - The crypto queen of Switzerland

Switzerland prides itself with a Crypto Queen and a Crypto Valley! "Olga Feldmeier is CEO of Smart Valor, a Swiss-based blockchain company".

Switzerland is the country of the famous William Tell and the Rütlischwur!

Please do not confuse Olga Feldmeier with the other so called crypto queen who is on the most wanted list of the FBI! 😄

Friedrich Schiller's 1804 version of the Rütlischwur in english:
"We want to be a single People of brethren,
Never to part in danger nor distress.
We want to be free, as our fathers were,
And rather die than live in slavery.
We want to trust in the one highest God
And never be afraid of human power."

Olga Feldmeier - CoinAgenda Conference

Schweizer Krypto-Queen: «Die mediale Inszenierung von Zug als Krypto-Valley ist übertrieben»  Olga Feldmeier, Chefin der Krypto-Börse Smart Valor, redet die Probleme der Krypto-Szene klein und macht kühne Prognosen. Mit der Schweiz als Technologiestandort geht sie hart ins Gericht.

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