Sunday, July 24, 2022

Rise of single-use vapes sending tonnes of lithium to landfills in the UK and elsewhere. So what!

Entrepreneurs will make a business out of recycling, if it is profitable!

By the way, lithium is not a rare element! World reserves, as of 2020, are estimated at over 21 million tonnes.

However, the authors are calling, as usual, for more government regulation and intervention! This article is not really about lithium, but probably more about unaccepted sinful behavior of humans (i.e. smoking & wastefulness).

Dedicated to all electric car owners:
"... Disposable vapes also pose a potential serious risk when not recycled, as the lithium-ion batteries can start fires when crushed in a waste truck or at a waste-processing plant. ..."

"... A joint investigation by the Bureau, Sky News and the Daily Telegraph suggests that two disposable vapes are being thrown away every second in the UK. Over a year, this is enough lithium to make roughly 1200 electric car batteries. ...
While each vape contains just 0.15g of lithium, the scale of the waste means about 10 tonnes of the metal is ending up in landfills [over what time period?]. ..."

Rise of single-use vapes sending tonnes of lithium to landfill — The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (en-GB)

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