Sunday, July 03, 2022

Canada under Prime Minister Trudeau is paying huge restitution/reparations to indigenous people

Of course, Trudeau does this not directly, but disguised as lavish negotiated settlements of class action lawsuits! Very clever!

Americans watch out! This might already be happening or this approach will be copied in the U.S.!

The road to hell is paved with good intentions! It is a perversion to believe that reparations/restitutions for human rights violations in the past is a form of justice. Most of these demands are utter nonsense and excessive. Indigenous people wer no saints either as the demagogues want us to believe! The Noble Savage is a myth! And where does this end? Whenever the demagogues are satisfied? These kind of demands serve mainly to create discord within Western societies!

"Despite the large federal budget deficits and mounting debt, the explosive growth of Indigenous spending is expected to continue – and it's being driven largely by settlement payouts.

A new Fraser Institute study out today finds that federal Indigenous spending rose from about $11.5 billion in 2015/16 to $25 billion in 2021/22 — and will reach a projected $35.5 billion in 2026/27!
Negotiated settlements of class action lawsuits, including the recent $40 billion child welfare settlement, comprise much of this increase. ..."

Indigenous Spending in Budget 2022

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