Sunday, July 03, 2022

46th President has the largest White House staff in history

No wonder, the demented and senile 46th President and the vanity seeking Dr. Jill Biden both need lots of attention! 😄

"Last year, the administration disclosed 560 White House employees — the most in American history. During their first two-years, the Biden Administration spent $100+ million on White House payroll.
However, during the past year, 220 staffers left White House employment ..."

"... The Biden White House employed 560 (FY2021) and 474 this year (2022). In 2022, the headcount dropped by 86 employees. ...
Biden employs 100 more staffers than Trump (374) (FY2018) and five more than Obama (469) (FY2010) at the same point in their respective presidencies."

BREAKING: Biden's Staff Flees Bloated White House Payroll — Still Spent $100+ Million

BREAKING: Biden Administration Spent $100+ Million On Payroll Since 2021 While 220 Staffers Quit Last Year 220 staffers left what used to be the most expensive White House payroll in American history.

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