Tuesday, March 15, 2022

U.S. eliminates human controls requirement for fully automated vehicles

Good news! Eliminating government regulations does not mean that car makers can still include human controls if customers asks for it.

Probably, it was high time to rewrite these outdated standards/rules!

Can you imagine driving in a car from point A to point B and you don't have anything to do with driving the car. You can spend your time sitting in the car with something else than driving! Wonderful!

Autonomous driving vehicles will have a lot of benefits, e.g. probably reduce car accidents, waste of gas and much more!

"U.S. regulators on [3/10/2022] issued final rules eliminating the need for automated vehicle manufacturers to equip fully autonomous vehicles with manual driving controls to meet crash standards.

Automakers and tech companies have faced significant hurdles to deploying automated driving system (ADS) vehicles without human controls because of safety standards written decades ago that assume people are in control. ..."

U.S. eliminates human controls requirement for fully automated vehicles | Reuters

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