Tuesday, March 08, 2022

MIT Study: Higher minimum wages raise voter turnout

This study states the obvious: Populist politicians try to bribe voters to vote for them!
A minimum wage is a perfect tool for politicians to gain favor with some voters!
Like with a magic wand you redistribute income to your favorite voters!
This is another good reason to abolish minimum wage laws altogether!

Government price controls like minimum wage are unconstitutional! The minimum wage is a serious impediment to labor market entry or participation for many who need a job, but cannot easily find one.

Study: Higher minimum wages raise voter turnout | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Low-wage workers, who vote infrequently, gain a participation boost when their salaries increase.

More Money, More Turnout? Minimum Wage Increases and Voting (No public access. This journal does not even provide access to the abstract!)

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