Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Georgians challenging Russia's border encroachment

Georgia suffers daily encroachments on its borders and slow progressive annexation of border lands by Russia since about 2008. The Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia are occupied by Putin the Terrible!

"... By the 1980s, an independence movement emerged and grew quickly, leading to Georgia's secession from the Soviet Union in April 1991. For most of the subsequent decade, post-Soviet Georgia suffered from economic crisis, political instability, ethnic conflict, and secessionist wars in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Following the bloodless Rose Revolution in 2003, Georgia strongly pursued a pro-Western foreign policy; it introduced a series of democratic and economic reforms aimed at integration into the European Union and NATO. The country's Western orientation soon led to worsening relations with Russia, at one point even resulting in a brief war in 2008. ..." (Source)

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