Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Four Russian Generals Killed in Three Weeks Show Moscow’s Vulnerabilities in Ukraine

If confirmed, this is incredible! 

Did these generals choose to die with honor instead of going on with this unjustified invasion of the Ukraine thereby also avoiding war crimes tribunals etc.? Perhaps, one day we will find out.

"Four Russian brigadier generals have died in three weeks on the battlefield in Ukraine, Kyiv officials said, showing faults in Moscow’s ability to lead troops into battle. The fallout could shape the outcome of the war, according to Ukrainian and Western officials.

The deaths of Gen. Vitaly Gerasimov, Gen. Andrei Kolesnikov, Gen. Oleg Mityaev and Gen. Andrei Sukhovetsky were announced by Ukrainian officials and confirmed by some Russian media reports, but not the Kremlin. They were veterans of Russia’s earlier conflicts in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria, where Russia also lost generals. ..."

Four Russian Generals Killed in Three Weeks Show Moscow’s Vulnerabilities in Ukraine - WSJ

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