Tuesday, March 15, 2022

European Union and gender quotas on company boards

Absolutely horrible! Outrageous! This is authoritarian! What is next?

Why companies do not more fiercely oppose this is incredible!

Brexit was a great move by the British citizens!

"A majority of 18 of the 27 EU countries support the directive, but that is not enough for the super majority needed for approval. 
Eight countries - Denmark, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Slovakia - have opposed the proposal, arguing the issue should be regulated at a national level. ...
Eight EU countries have adopted national mandatory gender quotas for listed companies (Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Greece, the Netherlands).
Ten have taken a softer approach, using a range of measures and initiatives (Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden).
Nine countries have not taken substantial action (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Slovakia). ..."

Factbox: Women's quotas on company boards: The EU's frontrunners and laggards | Reuters

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