Friday, March 18, 2022

Congress considers bill to expose Russian, Chinese funding of American think tanks and non profit organisations

I think such a law is a good idea! Why limit it to Russia and China? There are plenty of other authoritarian/dictatorial regimes (e.g. Cuba, North Korea, Iran) out there who may have tried or pursue to influence public opinion in questionable ways etc. in Western countries.

Open societies can easily and effectively be exploited by its enemies! To sow discord in the enemies camp dates back to Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

I have a strong hunch for many years that e.g. the so called culture wars and more recently environmentalism in Western countries are being fueled and intensified by outside influence since about World War II ended! 

"... require think tanks and nonprofits to reveal whether they have significant funding from governments and political groups in Russia and China ..."
Comment: Why not include individual agents?

"... require nonprofits and think tanks to disclose foreign donations over $50,000 ..."
Comment: This limit/threshold is way too high!

"... “While institutions of higher learning are required to disclose foreign gifts to the Department of Education pursuant to the Higher Education Act, no such requirement exists for think tanks.” ..."

Congress considers bill to expose Russian, Chinese funding of American groups | Just The News

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