Thursday, August 05, 2021

U.S. to Set Electric-Vehicle Sales Goal of 50% by 2030

They call this voluntary goals! Laughable! E.g. speak softly, but carry a big stick [a phrase coined by the controversial President Theodore Roosevelt about his foreign policy, but it has been applied frequently domestically as well since then] comes to mind!

Communist central planning and socialism is coming again to America! One can only hope that the 2022 mid-term elections will put an decisive end to this! American voters wake up!

"Roughly half of all cars and light trucks sold in the U.S. by 2030 would be electric, hydrogen-fuel cell or plug-in hybrid vehicles under voluntary targets to be announced Thursday by the Biden administration and backed by auto makers contingent on government support.

General Motors Co. , Ford Motor Co. , and Chrysler maker Stellantis NV said their commitment hinges on federal funding for manufacturing and supply-chain research and development, purchase incentives and a national electric-vehicle charging network. ...
The new standard would be a fleetwide average of 52 miles per gallon by 2026, according to a senior administration official. The mark was originally set at 54.5 mpg by mid-decade under the Obama administration, but gradually revised downward and ultimately set at 40 mpg by former President Donald Trump. [Too bad, President Trump did not entirely scrap this socialism!!]"

U.S. to Set Electric-Vehicle Sales Goal of 50% by 2030 - WSJ General Motors, Ford and Stellantis executives with union leaders are expected to join President Biden in announcing voluntary target

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