Thursday, August 05, 2021

Google AlphaFold Goes Open-Source

Absolutely amazing what Google has done for advancing research on proteins! You may not like Big Tech, social media, their censorship, but what Google has accomplished in the field of proteomics is mind blowing!

"... The company published research that describes how to use AlphaFold to find the shapes of both general and human-specific proteins.
The model has analyzed the structure of roughly 98 percent of proteins found in the human body. It has analyzed hundreds of thousands more in 20 other organisms commonly used by researchers such as e.coli, fruit flies, and soybeans.
The company plans to release an additional 100 million protein structures by the end of 2021. Such data is published and maintained by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. ...
Until recently, scientists had to rely on time-consuming and expensive experiments to figure out protein shapes. Those methods have yielded about 180,000 protein structures. AlphaFold debuted in 2018, when it won an annual contest for predicting protein structures. A revised version of the model won again in 2020 with an average error comparable to the width of an atom. ..."

The Batch: Gunshot Detection Under Fire, AI At The Olympics, AlphaFold Goes Open-Source, Revenge Of The Perceptrons

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