Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Oklahoma GOP chair likens coronavirus restrictions to the Holocaust

The ongoing persecution of the Covid-19 unvaccinated or the maskless persons is horrible and contemptible! 

SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is not a very dangerous disease to justify these restrictions on liberty! The exaggerated hysteria and scaremongering surrounding this global pandemic is much worse!

"John Bennett on Friday posted on the party’s Facebook page a photo of a yellow star labeled “Unvaccinated.” He listing purported restrictions on the unvaccinated, including not being able to fly or “enter a pub, restaurant club or theater,” as well as limited access to work, services and healthcare.

“WAKE UP PEOPLE — is this sounding familiar?” the caption said. Below, in comments, were links to fundraising websites for the state GOP. ..."

Oklahoma GOP chair draws fire from party colleagues for likening coronavirus restrictions to the Holocaust - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

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