Friday, June 18, 2021

What is wrong with the new Juneteenth Federal Holiday?

I don't claim to be an expert on the subject or to be very familiar with the reasons for this new federal holiday!

"The House approved the bill on a vote of 415-14. The Senate unanimously passed the bill on Tuesday." (Source) What no Republican U.S. Senator voted against it!!!! This is truly shocking so many cowards in the U.S. Congress especially among the Republican Party! This will go down as a dark day in U.S. history!

It appears that leading conservative public policy organisations have failed to oppose this new holiday, which may explain above voting results in the U.S. Congress!

However, I strongly recommend to repeal this new federal holiday ASAP!

What is wrong?

  1. The Emancipation Proclamation was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by Republican President Lincoln on September 22, 1862, during the Civil War definitely and without any doubt the much more important and relevant date!
  2. Maybe more importantly, there is already a Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, for which on November 2, 1983, Republican President Reagan signed a bill into law. In my humble view, the MLK federal holiday is already serving the purpose of the new federal holiday!
  3. The law is officially titled "Juneteenth National Independence Day Act" (Source). What the heck has this to do with the 4th of July holiday or the Declaration of Independence! This is outrageous!
  4. The American Civil War was not about ending slavery but preventing secession! No civil war was necessary to end slavery, because it was already being phased out in e.g. Great Britain and Canada! It was only a matter of time that slavery would have ended in the U.S. as well
  5. To me it seems the demented 46th President and the Dimocratic Party are just looking for an excuse to have a new holiday of their own that pleases the current racist/antiracist tribalism. Of course, the MLK federal holiday is no longer good enough, since MLK was too soft on white supremacy with his non violent civil disobedience! (Caution: Irony)
  6. Are reparation payments for slavery next? Nice plot to buy black votes!
  7. I am sure there is more wrong with this new federal holiday, but I need to do more research eventually

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