Friday, June 18, 2021

The resurgence of horrible tribalism in the first quarter of the 21st century

It should be truly shocking and reprehensible to any civilized and educated person to witness such a strong and pervasive resurgence of primitive tribalism in our time in Western societies! As if the horror of the Holocaust, the historical culmination of tribalism in the 20th century, has never happened!

LGBTQ movement is tribalism so is the racism/antiracism or slavery/antislavery movement! Karl Marx was the most awful and most influential recent philosopher of tribalism!

Why are so many members of the intellectuals and the elite in Western countries so involved in this primitive tribalism as if humanity has never left the caves of the stone age! These members ought to crawl back into their caves and do human civilization and humanity a huge favor!

Only fools and idiots forsake the great advances brought forth by The Age of Enlightenment, individualism, liberty, and meritocracy! Many of these fools and idiots are PhDs and professors!

P.S. I hope, I am not doing our ancestors, the cavemen and cavewomen, some injustice to compare them to these intellectuals and elites of our time.

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