In honor of Thomas Paine and other Founders & Immigrants. In memory of my daddy Horst Bingel
Monday, November 30, 2020
Steve Hilton: The establishment wants us to 'shut up and move on'
AlphaFold: a solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge of protein folding in biology
We first entered CASP13 in 2018 with our initial version of AlphaFold, which achieved the highest accuracy among participants. Afterwards, we published a paper on our CASP13 methods in Nature with associated code, which has gone on to inspire other work and community-developed open source implementations. Now, new deep learning architectures we’ve developed have driven changes in our methods for CASP14, enabling us to achieve unparalleled levels of accuracy. ..."
Newton’s Principia may have been more popular than previously thought
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Black Lives Matter Retort
Revised on 12/29/2020
All lives matter and every live is precious.
Skin color really does not matter at all! The use of skin color in this context reveals naked racism!
Martin Luther King Jr. is spinning in his grave. MLK’s Dream is shattered! "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
The true intent of BLM is political and ideological polarization and division of We the People for power and control!
Heat is killing more people than ever. Scientists are looking for ways to lower the risk
The researcher fighting to embed analysis of sex and gender into science
The strengthened policy is a result of recommendations made in the commission’s second report on Gendered Innovations, published today and produced by a 25-person expert group that Schiebinger chaired. The report provides guidance for how researchers can incorporate sex and gender analysis across the gamut of research topics Horizon Europe will fund, from finance to agriculture. ...
Many European languages, such as German, don’t even have a word for gender, but use the English. ..."
Moths draped in stealth acoustic cloak evade bat sonar
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Jenna Ellis gives an update on Team Trump’s legal fight against election...
'Host of election oddities' point to 'large-scale coup' to bring down Trump
Beethoven: Missa solemnis with John Eliot Gardiner
Trumps Anwälten bleibt jetzt noch der Supreme Court
Carter Page sues FBI, DOJ, and individuals behind FISA abuse
Wall Street Journal explains Biden's election results because college students voted for him
In today's Notes on the News (11/28/20) published by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), I discovered to my surprise:
"Young voters helped Biden secure victory, particularly in college towns in top battleground states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania."
WSJ also wrote an article (dated 11/26/2020, behind paywall) about this: Young Voters Helped Biden Beat Trump After Holding Back in Primaries College towns in particular aided former vice president in top battleground states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Joe Biden, on his third run for the presidency, defeated President Trump. WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports on his path to victory
"In fall 2018, total undergraduate enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions [in the U.S.] was 16.6 million students" (Source). Apparently, these students did not make too much of a difference when it comes non battle ground states. But WSJ suggests we ought to believe that those about half a dozen battleground states students made all the difference? Where these perhaps votes that were counted multiple times?
An interesting theory that the WSJ spins! I think it is baloney!
Alarming election evidence in Georgia
PA Data Scientist: I "Personally Observed" USB Cards "Uploaded to Voting Machines" "Over 24 Times"
Friday, November 27, 2020
Irregular Biden & the WRONG media | Greg Kelly
EZB blickt stärker auf Klimarisiken der Banken
Aus dem am Freitag veröffentlichten EZB-Leitfaden geht hervor, wie Banken Klima- und Umweltrisiken nach den geltenden aufsichtlichen Regelungen steuern und offenlegen sollten. Anfang des kommenden Jahres sollen die Banken auf Basis der im Leitfaden aufgeführten Erwartungen der Aufsicht eine Selbsteinschätzung zu ihren Klimarisiken vornehmen und Maßnahmepläne ausarbeiten. ..."
Bundestag beschließt Plastiktüten-Verbot
Iran scientist linked to military nuclear program killed in Iran
The killing comes just days before the 10-year anniversary of the killing of Iranian nuclear scientist Majid Shahriari, which Tehran also blamed on Israel. ..."
Waldemar Januszczak: The 'Crude' Art Of Pleasure: Life In The Rococo Age
Release of British-Australian academic in Iran has come at a price
China is 'an aggressor' which wants to see Australia as a 'vassal state'
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Diego Maradona - Moments Impossible To Forget
Sidney Powell Suit Makes 30 Allegations in Bid to Invalidate Georgia Election Results
Johann Sebastian Bach: Mass in B minor (BWV 232) with John Eliot Gardiner & Monteverdi Choir
Conrad Black: ‘Great Trump War’ Will Continue, Regardless of Election Outcome
Days before Christmas, Jupiter and Saturn will look like one bright star — some believe the alignment is the same described in the Bible
TLDR: Extreme Summarization of Scientific Documents
The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia
Scotland Becomes First Country to Make Tampons, Pads Free
Klimawandel: Neuer Treibhausgas-Rekord trotz Corona-Maßnahmen
Welt muss bis 2050 klimaneutral werden ...
Konkret lag die CO2-Konzentration im vergangenen Jahr bei 410,5 ppm, nach 407,9 beziehungsweise 405,5 ppm in den beiden Jahren davor. ...
Das Treibhausgas-Bulletin nennt für die Konzentration in der Atmosphäre einen Durchschnittswert aus mehr als 100 Messstationen. Einzelne Stationen hätten für 2020 schon höhere Werte registriert als im Jahr davor. Die Station in Mauna Loa auf Hawaii etwa habe im September 411,29 ppm gemessen, verglichen mit 408,54 im vergangenen Jahr. Die Station Cape Grim auf Tasmanien in Australien habe 410,8 ppm gemessen, nach 408,58 im vergangenen Jahr."
Ching Shih: The Pirate Widow Menace of the South China Sea
Prager University: How to Steal an Election: Mail-In Ballots
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
BREAKING: Data group exposes wide spread Mail-In Ballot Fraud
Fedora 33 Annoyances
Update of 12/22/2020
I am really annoyed! Every week there is at least one critical OS update to be installed!
Main Post
I have recently upgraded from Fedora 32 to 33. However, I have experienced quite a bit of issues with this version. I have been using Fedora Linux now for several years and I always upgrade to the latest version when available.
The upgrade itself was not smooth as advertised. In the end, I had to do it manually using DNF commands. I presume, e.g. I had done one update to many using the Software app before the upgrade. Something conflicted with the upgrade. I don't remember the details anymore.
Since the latest upgrade, I had to a lot of software updates almost on a daily basis.
There were a few other, unexpected and unfamiliar issues. They were annoying, but not critical and I don't remember the details anymore.
Software App
I have never seen something like this before with earlier Fedora versions. Several times now, I have seen even different error messages when invoking this app.
UAE and Israel – a partnership that can help the world
The initial response to the Abraham Accords from Israel’s business community was to welcome the opportunity to access funds in the UAE and Bahrain for investment in Israeli startups. ...
Just like Israel, the UAE has been opening up to the world with its technology and entrepreneurship. In the space of a few short years, the UAE has become a world leader in logistics, finance, sustainable energy, smart transportation and smart cities. DP World, Dubai’s global ports company, has become the global trading gateway to Asia. The UAE has become a global financial, business, medical, hospitality and trading center. ...
The similar size of the Emirati and Israeli economies, and their complementary skill sets, make them extremely compatible for joint business ventures. The entrepreneurial and business mentality is strong in both countries. ...
Israel has traditionally looked West toward Europe and the US. The UAE is the gateway to Asia and the East. We can also help Israeli businesses enter new markets in the Muslim world, including the huge opportunities in Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan. ..."
The technologies helping move agriculture indoors
[A] 5.5-acre medical cannabis greenhouse complex in Greece is covered with f-CLEAN, a durable polymer offering exceptional light transmission and energy savings. ...
A British-Israeli venture formed from a merger of two established companies about eight years ago, Growponics designs and builds automated hydroponic greenhouse factories in urban settings. ... The plants move on conveyers. We eliminate aisles, which normally take up 15 to 20% of greenhouse space; and we adjust the spacing between plants in different parts of the growth cycle. That alone can increase yield by more than 40% on top of the savings from eliminating aisles. ..."
Study shows hyperbaric oxygen can reverse the aging process
Discretely assembled mechanical metamaterials
Meeting the moment: 20 years of Critical Race Studies at UCLA School of Law
After decades of struggle by Native American activists — and stubborn resistance from team owner Daniel Snyder — the Washington Football Team (formerly known as the Redskins) announced in July of this year that it would finally change its name. ..."
Exaggerated global vertebrate decline
Laser nuclear fusion reactor approaches ‘burning plasma’ milestone
Schottland macht als erstes Land Binden und Tampons kostenlos zugänglich
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
How does SOUTH KOREA seek to protect itself from CHINA and NORTH KOREA?
Newt Gingrich: The Thieves Who Stole Our Election Got Sloppy
How humans co-evolve with AI
Humans would be physically different if we had not invented fire or spears. We are Homo technicus as much as Homo sapiens.” ...
FDA allows emergency use of antibody drug President Trump received
Harvard University: Ibram X. Kendi discusses antiracism in education
Religious Freedom: You Can't Be Free Without it
Former U.S. Attorney, Joe diGenova, on the Growing Evidence of Voter Fraud
Monday, November 23, 2020
You have every right to be suspicious | Benny Johnson
Attorney Lin Wood: Lawsuits are not over in Georgia
Sidney Powell Reveals Her Side; Suspect Voting Data; Major Georgia Lawsuit
2005 Carter-Baker Report Could Have Averted Problems With 2020 Voting
Forced Coronavirus testing of about 17,000 Shanghai airport workers
Supercooled water has been caught morphing between two forms
Electric Vehicles are detrimental for the Environment
the energy that goes into making an EV battery is more than that needed for a conventional vehicle engine and results in greater carbon dioxide emissions during the manufacturing stage. This so-called carbon debt is incurred by each EV before it is even driven its first mile and may take years to repay. ...
Producing many more EVs will require dealing with many more spent EV batteries, which pose a number of environmental challenges beyond those associated with the lead-acid batteries in conventional vehicles. Recycling an EV battery is far from simple and poses a number of environmental tradeoffs. ..."
Pentagon’s New Missile Interceptor Could Be a Game-Changer for ICBM Defense
Despite what they will charge, an underlay of SM-3 interceptors simply cannot defend against Russia’s and China’s advanced arsenals, whose sizes alone can overwhelm U.S. homeland defense. Especially as Russia and China hypocritically advance missile interceptors of their own ..."
Netanyahu met with Saudi crown prince in Saudi Arabia, Israeli media reports
RCEP – ein Weckruf für den Westen
Zweitens bildet die RCEP eine Plattform, auf der bestehende Vereinbarungen aufdatiert und neue ausgehandelt werden dürften. Denn auch FHA unterliegen einer Dynamik. Ohne eine Anpassung an die realwirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen und Handelsströme erodiert der Nutzen für die beteiligten Parteien. ...
Eine unmittelbare Auswirkung der RCEP ist, dass der multilaterale Weg über die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) weiter an Attraktivität einbüsst: angefangen bei der seit 2001 andauernden Doha-Handelsrunde, die faktisch für gescheitert erklärt werden kann ..."
The Life Of The Real Margaret Thatcher documentary
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Alice Weidel in der Generalaussprache zur Politik der Bundesregierung am 30.09.20
Could TAIWAN repel an INVASION by CHINA?
I’M SICK OF TALKING! - Brexiteer orders Boris Johnson to walk away from EU talks now!
Johann Sebastian Bach - Concerto for Four Harpsichords in A minor BWV 1065
China only reports less than 100K confirmed Covid-19 cases
While the world total as of 11/22/2020 is roughly 57.9 million confirmed cases.
I think, communist dictator Xi Jinping needs to do some explaining! China has a population density of about 150 per square Kilometer and if you subtract the large deserts and other thinly inhabited areas it is much higher. Even Russia reported over 2 million cases.
Machine learning reduces use of riskier antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections
In a new paper, the researchers present a recommendation algorithm that predicts the probability that a patient’s UTI can be treated by first- or second-line antibiotics. With this information, the model then makes a recommendation for a specific treatment that selects a first-line agent as frequently as possible, without leading to an excess of treatment failures. ... "