Monday, November 30, 2020

Steve Hilton: The establishment wants us to 'shut up and move on'

Very recommendable! Steve presents a good review of how foul Dimocrats treated Trump after 2016 election including putting pressure on the Electoral College not to vote for Trump!

AlphaFold: a solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge of protein folding in biology

Amazing stuff! This could be a game changer for biology and medicine! Great achievement! This is only the second time Google entered this biennial challenge and both times they were the clear winner!

"... In the results from the 14th CASP assessment, released today, our latest AlphaFold system achieves a median score of 92.4 GDT overall across all targets. This means that our predictions have an average error (RMSD) of approximately 1.6 Angstroms, which is comparable to the width of an atom (or 0.1 of a nanometer). Even for the very hardest protein targets, those in the most challenging free-modelling category, AlphaFold achieves a median score of 87.0 GDT (data available here). ...
We first entered CASP13 in 2018 with our initial version of AlphaFold, which achieved the highest accuracy among participants. Afterwards, we published a paper on our CASP13 methods in Nature with associated code, which has gone on to inspire other work and community-developed open source implementations. Now, new deep learning architectures we’ve developed have driven changes in our methods for CASP14, enabling us to achieve unparalleled levels of accuracy. ..."

There is no resting on one's laurels! The quest continues:
"... There’s still much to learn, including how multiple proteins form complexes, how they interact with DNA, RNA, or small molecules, and how we can determine the precise location of all amino acid side chains. ..."

"... AlphaFold came top of the table at the last CASP — in 2018, the first year that London-based DeepMind participated. But, this year, the outfit’s deep-learning network was head-and-shoulders above other teams and, say scientists, performed so mind-bogglingly well that it could herald a revolution in biology. ..."

AlphaFold: a solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge in biology | DeepMind

Nature journal news: ‘It will change everything’: DeepMind’s AI makes gigantic leap in solving protein structures Google’s deep-learning program for determining the 3D shapes of proteins stands to transform biology, say scientists.

Newton’s Principia may have been more popular than previously thought

Amazing stuff!

Were they really reading and understanding this famous magnus opus or were they just book collectors trying to impress contemporaries? Apparently, the former happened.

"... A 1950s search found only 189 copies of the first edition, published in 1687 under the full title Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (SN: 7/4/87). .. [recently] ... unearthed 386 copies, suggesting a more substantial readership. ... By tracking down original owners and studying the annotations that readers made, the researchers conclude that, in addition to scientists, well-educated laypeople were reading the book too. ..."

Newton’s Principia may have been more popular than previously thought | Science News Researchers found over 300 copies of the book’s first edition

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Black Lives Matter Retort

Revised on 12/29/2020

All lives matter and every live is precious

Skin color really does not matter at all! The use of skin color in this context reveals naked racism!

Martin Luther King Jr. is spinning in his grave. MLK’s Dream is shattered! "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

The true intent of BLM is political and ideological polarization and division of We the People for power and control!

Heat is killing more people than ever. Scientists are looking for ways to lower the risk

Don't you love it when the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) incites panic and alarmism! Demagoguery at its best! What a travesty!

Joseph Goebbels is blushing in his grave given such creativity to propagandize the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion!

Humans survived the Medieval Warm Period (950-1250 AD) and the Little Ice Age (1300-1850 AD). Humans will just do fine! Humans would even do much better without all this grotesque alarmism, scaremongering, and pseudoscience!
"... High body temperatures are inevitable in firefighting: A study in 2013 uncovered about 50 heat-related injuries across the United States during that fire season. ... The work has taken on urgency as global temperatures rise, heat waves become more frequent and intense, and casualties mount. ...

Heat is killing more people than ever. Scientists are looking for ways to lower the risk | Science | AAAS

The researcher fighting to embed analysis of sex and gender into science

When scientists follow the fads and fashions or propaganda and ideology of the day! And when Nature journal glorifies those scientists! 

The researcher (Londa Schiebinger, professor at Stanford University, PhD from Harvard University) here interviewed by Nature is pathetic! She is the "Director of Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Environment Project"

What a waste of taxpayers money!

Can you believe their is no gender to be found in pure mathematics according to the European Commission! That cannot be true! What an inexcusable omission! (Caution: irony)
I bet it will not take long before dedicated/obsessed researchers will discover gender in pure mathematics! A Noble prize or Fields Medal awaits these researchers! (Caution: irony)

The fact that humans respond differently to diseases and medications/treatments depending on sex has been widely recognized for decades! Nothing new! 

Why does e.g. the German language not have its own word for gender? Because the people are not easily fooled by ideologues and the German language offers a different word for it! Why does e.g. the English language contain the word gender? "late Middle English: from Old French gendre (modern genre ), based on Latin genus ‘birth, family, nation’"

"On 25 November, the European Commission — one of the world’s largest research funders — said that it aims to make sex and gender analysis mandatory in the research it funds ... [European Commision] policy would apply to all disciplines, except topics for which the commission decides such analyses wouldn’t be relevant, for example, pure mathematics. The commission will ask researchers to consider these factors at every stage of their work — from study design to data collection and analysis. ...
The strengthened policy is a result of recommendations made in the commission’s second report on Gendered Innovations, published today and produced by a 25-person expert group that Schiebinger chaired. The report provides guidance for how researchers can incorporate sex and gender analysis across the gamut of research topics Horizon Europe will fund, from finance to agriculture. ...
The biggest change in our focus is on intersectionality. That means not just considering race and ethnicity and how this intersects with sex and gender, but also what’s the impact of age, geographic location and socio-economic status. The other one is to think of gender less in binary terms, and to think about gender-diverse people. We’re also giving much more field-specific guidance. ...
Many European languages, such as German, don’t even have a word for gender, but use the English. ..."

The researcher fighting to embed analysis of sex and gender into science

Moths draped in stealth acoustic cloak evade bat sonar

Amazing stuff!

"Ultrathin sound absorbers offer lightweight solutions from building acoustics to sonar cloaking. The scales on moth wings have evolved to reduce the echo returning to bats, and we investigate their resonant sound-absorber functionality. Resonant absorbers are most efficient at resonance, and laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) revealed that an individual moth scale’s three resonance modes indeed span the biosonar frequencies of bats.  ...
Here we investigate moth-scale vibrodynamics to understand their role in creating acoustic camouflage against bat echolocation, where scales on wings provide ultrasound absorber functionality."

Moths draped in stealth acoustic cloak evade bat sonar | Research | Chemistry World Moths can hide from the sonar of feeding bats using their acoustically camouflaged wings. Their evolved stealth adaptation is the result of an array of scales attached to their wing membranes that absorb ultrasound frequencies emitted by hunting bats, and are the first acoustic metamaterials found in nature.

Here is the PNAS paper:

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jenna Ellis gives an update on Team Trump’s legal fight against election...

Bravo Jenna Ellis! Go for it! Hope, we will see more of you in the future!

'Host of election oddities' point to 'large-scale coup' to bring down Trump

Very recommendable! This Australian news channel is excellent in exposing the second coup against President Trump!

Beethoven: Missa solemnis with John Eliot Gardiner

Enjoy! This stream, premiered November 20, 2020, may not be available after November 30, 2020 (see here).

"It is generally considered one of the composer's supreme achievements and, along with Bach's Mass in B minor, one of the most significant mass settings of the common practice period. ... A typical performance of the complete work runs 80 to 85 minutes. The difficulty of the piece combined with the requirements for a full orchestra, large chorus, and highly trained soloists, both vocal and instrumental, mean that it is not often performed ..." (Source)

Trumps Anwälten bleibt jetzt noch der Supreme Court

Was für ein schlampiger und stümperhafter deutscher Journalismus!

Längst sind nicht alle Klagen eingegangen! Die Legislatur von Pennsylvania ist kurz davor die Wahlergebnisse nicht zu zertifizieren (an sich schon ein historisch höchst ungewöhnlicher Vorgang aber gemessen an den Umständen wohl angebracht), andere Bundesstaatsparlamente könnten dem folgen usw.
Wenn der U.S. Supreme Court die Wahl letzt endlich kippt wegen massiver Wahlverfehlungen (der Demokratischen Partei) in etwas sechs kritischen Bundesstaaten , dann wird das Geschichte machen und die Präsidentschaft Trump wird noch berühmter da  Trump endlich die seit Jahrzehnten schwelende Korruption der Parteimaschinerien offen gelegt hat!

Trumps Anwälten bleibt jetzt noch der Supreme Court Donald Trump und sein Team haben eine weitere Niederlage vor Gericht einstecken müssen. Dem Bundesberufungsgericht in Pennsylvania fehlten Belege für eine angebliche Wahlfälschung.

Carter Page sues FBI, DOJ, and individuals behind FISA abuse

Wow, what took Mr. Page so long or why did he wait until after the 2020 elections!

That the FISA court to this day has not taken a stand by investigating and condemning this abuse is more than strange! All the court has done so far is a rebuke! I blogged here about it: Will The FISA Court Finally Stand Up

This coup attempt against President Trump was much bigger and much more sophisticated than Watergate ever was!
"Former 2016 Trump campaign adviser Carter Page has filed a massive lawsuit against the U.S. government as well as agencies and individuals responsible for illegally spying on him using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act orders. ..."

Carter Page sues FBI, DOJ, and individuals behind FISA abuse - TheBlaze Defendants include former FBI Director James Comey, and former employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

Wall Street Journal explains Biden's election results because college students voted for him

 In today's Notes on the News (11/28/20) published by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), I discovered to my surprise:
"Young voters helped Biden secure victory, particularly in college towns in top battleground states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania." 

WSJ also wrote an article (dated 11/26/2020, behind paywall) about this: Young Voters Helped Biden Beat Trump After Holding Back in Primaries College towns in particular aided former vice president in top battleground states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Joe Biden, on his third run for the presidency, defeated President Trump. WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports on his path to victory

"In fall 2018, total undergraduate enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions [in the U.S.] was 16.6 million students" (Source). Apparently, these students did not make too much of a difference when it comes non battle ground states. But WSJ suggests we ought to believe that those about half a dozen battleground states students made all the difference? Where these perhaps votes that were counted multiple times?

An interesting theory that the WSJ spins! I think it is baloney!

Alarming election evidence in Georgia

Incredible! More witness testimony! This November election is not over, not by any stretch of imagination!

PA Data Scientist: I "Personally Observed" USB Cards "Uploaded to Voting Machines" "Over 24 Times"

This testimony is so shocking and incredible about voting fraud in Delaware county Pennsylvania, it leaves you speechless (assuming this man spoke the truth)!
This man describes multiple dubious irregularities that happened on election day! Even the logs etc. were falsified or remanufactured and much more! According to him, the election results of that county cannot be fixed or cured anymore!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Irregular Biden & the WRONG media | Greg Kelly

Very recommendable! Greg lists some of the strange statistical oddities of the U.S. general elections of 2020. Given the election data of over the last 100 hundred years, it was impossible for Biden to win! 
Greg also introduces a female sexual harassment accuser and former staffer of Biden, which the main stream media ignored!

EZB blickt stärker auf Klimarisiken der Banken

Wenn der Klimafanatismus um sich greift! Selbst die EZB bleibt nicht verschont! Als ob die EZB nicht schon ausreichend Verantwortung und Aufgaben hätte! Die moderne Religion des Klimawandels treibt bunte Blüten!

Und was wird es die Banken kosten diesen Unsinn mitzumachen?

"Kritisch beurteilten die EZB-Bankenaufseher am Freitag die Offenlegung der Klima- und Umweltrisiken durch die Banken. Hier besteht ihrer Ansicht nach Nachholbedarf. Bislang würden nur 3 Prozent der Top-Banken in der Euro-Zone grundlegende Informationen zu ihren klimabezogenen Risiken veröffentlichen ...
Aus dem am Freitag veröffentlichten EZB-Leitfaden geht hervor, wie Banken Klima- und Umweltrisiken nach den geltenden aufsichtlichen Regelungen steuern und offenlegen sollten. Anfang des kommenden Jahres sollen die Banken auf Basis der im Leitfaden aufgeführten Erwartungen der Aufsicht eine Selbsteinschätzung zu ihren Klimarisiken vornehmen und Maßnahmepläne ausarbeiten. ..."

EZB blickt stärker auf Klimarisiken der Banken Die Europäische Zentralbank will Klimarisiken zum Schwerpunkt ihres Bankenstresstest im Jahr 2022 machen. 

Bundestag beschließt Plastiktüten-Verbot

Die Schildbürger/Politiker der Bananenrepublik Deutschland haben mal wieder zugeschlagen! Was für ein Kleingeist! Mittelalterlicher Aberglaube triumphiert im Bundestag! Scheußlich! Schon die extreme Selektivität dieses Verbots macht stutzig oder ist das wieder mal deutsche Gründlichkeit und Penibilität! Das Verbot is so kleinkariert und erschreckend kleingeistig wie man es sich nur vorstellen kann im Land von Goethe, Humboldt,  Einstein u.a.!

Nicht zuletzt ist dies auch wieder mal ein eklatanter, verfassungswidriger Eingriff in die freie Marktwirtschaft!

Im Zeitalter, wo Bakterien oder andere Methoden Plastik abbauen oder umwandeln können macht so ein Blödsinn überhaupt keinen Sinn! 

Schon mal von Plastophobia gehört?  Plastophobia Is A Serious Disease

"Nach einer Übergangsfrist, die auf Drängen des Handels kurzfristig von sechs auf zwölf Monate verlängert wurde, sind leichte Kunststofftragetaschen mit einer Wandstärke zwischen 15 und 50 Mikrometern verboten – das sind die Standard-Tüten, die man üblicherweise an der Ladenkasse bekommt.
Ausgenommen vom Verbot sind besonders stabile Mehrweg-Tüten sowie die dünnen Plastikbeutel, die man etwa in der Obst- und Gemüseabteilung findet."

Ein Lob an: "AfD und FDP sehen in der Maßnahme hingegen einen ungerechtfertigten Eingriff in den Markt ohne nachweisbare Vorteile für die Umwelt."

Bundestag beschließt Plastiktüten-Verbot Es ist beschlossene Sache: Von 2022 an dürfen in deutschen Supermärkten keine Einkaufstüten aus Plastik mehr angeboten werden. Das hat der Bundestag beschlossen. Es gibt allerdings Ausnahmen.

Iran scientist linked to military nuclear program killed in Iran

This is serious stuff! The way this assassination was carried out was a bit too public and too drastic risking the lives of bystanders according to the news reports. I am not sure Israel would have chosen to do it that way. My hunch is that this killing, if it took place, was perhaps ordered by the Iranian regime or an Arab country.

"... the attack happened in Absard, a small city just east of the capital, Tehran. It said witnesses heard the sound of an explosion and then machine gun fire. The attack targeted a car that Fakhrizadeh was in ...
The killing comes just days before the 10-year anniversary of the killing of Iranian nuclear scientist Majid Shahriari, which Tehran also blamed on Israel. ..."

"Between 2010 and 2012, four Iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated (Masoud Alimohammadi, Majid Shahriari, Darioush Rezaeinejad and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan) while another scientist was wounded in an attempted murder (Fereydoon Abbasi).[1][2] Two of the killings were carried out with magnetic bombs attached to the targets' cars; Darioush Rezaeinejad was shot dead, and Masoud Alimohammadi was killed in a motorcycle-bomb explosion. ..." (Source)

Iran scientist linked to military nuclear program killed An Iranian scientist that Israel alleged led the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program until its disbanding in the early 2000s was killed in a targeted attack that saw gunmen use explosives and machine gun fire Friday, state television said.
Iran’s foreign minister alleged the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh bore “serious indications” of an Israeli role, but did not elaborate.

Waldemar Januszczak: The 'Crude' Art Of Pleasure: Life In The Rococo Age

Very recommendable! Waldemar Januszczak's interpretation of Sans, Souci. is amazing (hint: The two words refer to Frederick the Great's palace). His story about Gainsborough's daughters fascinating! But wait until you see him waxing about Madame Tussaud!

Release of British-Australian academic in Iran has come at a price

The Australian prime minister comes away very strange in this press conference! I am glad that at least some Australian journalists unlike their U.S. counterparts are asking some tough questions about this prisoner swap! If indeed three Iranian terrorists were freed to release this Austrian citizen from being held hostage in Iran then this was indeed odd if not outright mistaken! Since this woman is a dual citizen, were the British (e.g. Boris Johnson) also involved in this prisoner swap?

"His government has been silent on the circumstances surrounding the deal, and some observers have said it could encourage Iran, which is accused of "hostage diplomacy". ... The [Iranian] trio had been jailed [in Thailand] over a plot that Israel said was aimed at its diplomats. It came to light when bombs apparently detonated by accident in a house in suburban Bangkok on 14 February 2012.
Moradi was jailed for life for attempted murder after he threw a bomb at police as he tried to escape. He lost his legs in one of the explosions. Khazaei, who was detained at the airport, was jailed for 15 years."

Here is a BBC news article about this prisoner swap:
Kylie Moore-Gilbert: Thailand frees Iranians 'in swap with academic'  Thailand has freed three Iranian men jailed over a 2012 bomb plot following the release of British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert by Iran.

China is 'an aggressor' which wants to see Australia as a 'vassal state'

The former speaker of the Australian house Bronwyn Bishop does not mince words at 78 years young! "She was a member of federal parliament for almost 30 years, the longest period of service by a woman."

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Diego Maradona - Moments Impossible To Forget

Diego Maradona was incredible! His goals magic!

His dribbling style without match. He was basically inseparable from the ball.

Sidney Powell Suit Makes 30 Allegations in Bid to Invalidate Georgia Election Results

Wow! I did not even read all 30 allegations, but if most of this is confirmed the Georgia election and others that used Dominion Voting Systems may be invalidated. Why these voting machines from this company were used in the United States at all is quite troubling!

The U.S. general elections of 2020 are far from over. This might well turn out to go down in history as the most rigged election of any Western country in recent memory. Hope, President Trump will persist and not give in!

The Dimocratic Party will come to rue the election day of 2020!
The GOP governor of Georgia may have to resign over this!
Let the games begin!

Article also contains link to the full 104 pages long complaint by Sydney Powell!

The first paragraph of the complaint reads:
"This civil action brings to light a massive election fraud, multiple
violations of Georgia laws, including O.C.G.A. §§ 21-2-30(d), 21-2-31, 21-2-33.1 and §21-2-522, and multiple Constitutional violations, as shown by fact witnesses to specific incidents, multiple expert witnesses and the sheer mathematical impossibilities found in the Georgia 2020 General Election. ..."

Sidney Powell Suit Makes 30 Allegations in Bid to Invalidate Georgia Election Results A lawsuit released by lawyers led by former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell makes 30 allegations of electoral fraud and other illegal and irregular activities and features pertaining to the 2020 general elections in Georgia.

Johann Sebastian Bach: Mass in B minor (BWV 232) with John Eliot Gardiner & Monteverdi Choir

Enjoy! What a grand piece of music finished a year before Bach's death! Almost like the culmination of a lifetime of work of a genius! 
The maestro and the musicians/choir are shown against a black background. Very appealing!
"Sir John Eliot Gardiner ... (born 20 April 1943) is an English conductor, particularly known for his performances of the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and of other baroque music." (Wikipedia)
No wonder! Watch the extended, unbelievable da capo applause at the end! Bravo!

Conrad Black: ‘Great Trump War’ Will Continue, Regardless of Election Outcome


Mr. Black was surprised that President Trump's legal team was not better prepared to respond more effectively and immediately to the massive election fraud despite being keenly aware of it for months. The legal team did not hit the floor running. Mr. Black may have a point!

(40) Conrad Black: ‘Great Trump War’ Will Continue, Regardless of Election Outcome - YouTube

Days before Christmas, Jupiter and Saturn will look like one bright star — some believe the alignment is the same described in the Bible

Amazing stuff! Apparently, this is not the only rare alignment of stars that may have occurred around the time of Jesus's birth to be seen as a bright star with the naked eye.

"The last time the rare alignment of the planets was this close was in 1623, nearly 400 years ago."

Days before Christmas, Jupiter and Saturn will look like one bright star — some believe the alignment is the same described in the Bible - TheBlaze

TLDR: Extreme Summarization of Scientific Documents

This new summarization feature (TLDRs (Too Long; Didn't Read)) is so extreme to be almost useless like Twitter feeds of maximum 150 characters!

Semantic Scholar (SS) has recently introduced this new feature. As a very heavy, long time user of SS, I do not find it too helpful!

The idea behind this new feature makes sense: "Staying up to date with scientific literature is an important part of any researchers’ workflow, and parsing a long list of papers from various sources by reading paper abstracts is time-consuming."
However, reducing a whole research paper to about one regular sentence summary is going too far in the wrong direction!

Andres Ng: "... TLDR was able to summarize research articles that averaged 5,000 words long using around 20 words. ... We’re thinking: Some papers can be summed up in a couple of dozen words, but many are so complex that no single sentence can do them justice. We look forward to n-sentence summarizers. ... Why it matters: At least 3 million scientific papers are published annually, Semantic Scholar estimates, and a growing portion of them describe innovations in AI, according to the AI Index from Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. ..."

Perhaps, Semantic Scholar should have focused to extract the novelty or innovations out of the new research papers instead of brutally summarizing them!

Least, but last: It appears that Semantic Scholar relied too heavily on supervised learning for this research project. This means it cannot be easily or effectively scaled up towards millions of papers. "... To facilitate study on this task [TLDR], we introduce SciTLDR, a new multi-target dataset of 5.4K TLDRs over 3.2K papers. SciTLDR contains both author-written and expert-derived TLDRs ..."

"... For the moment, the software generates sentences only for the ten million computer-science papers covered by Semantic Scholar, but papers from other disciplines should be getting summaries in the next month or so, once the software has been fine-tuned ..."

[2004.15011] TLDR: Extreme Summarization of Scientific Documents (I have not yet read the paper)

Here is the Nature article on this:
tl;dr: this AI sums up research papers in a sentence Search engine’s tool for summarizing studies promises easier skim-reading.

Andrew Ng just covered this paper in his most recent The Batch newsletter of 11/25/2020.

The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia

Since I once lived in Philadelphia, PA it is a topic close to my heart!

"... The Liberty Bell's inscription is from the Bible (King James version): "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof." This verse refers to the "Jubilee", or the instructions to the Israelites to return property and free slaves every 50 years. ..."

According to the Wikipedia article on Jubilee, to return property to its owner meant return leased land or debt cancellation periodically. Plus, no man should have two masters and "as the servants of Yahweh, the Israelites should not also be the servants of men ...". 
Thus, the Liberty Bell inscription also contained very strong language that slavery in the United States was doomed!

The Liberty Bell - Independence National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Scotland Becomes First Country to Make Tampons, Pads Free

Yesterday, I blogged here about this strange event in German language. Given that this happened in the land of Scottish Enlightenment (Adam Smith, David Hume and others), it deserves more attention. This decision is anything but enlightenment! For Scotland this is nothing to be proud of!

What happened to the kilt wearing Scottish men? What the heck got under their kilt?

When modern men try to be chivalrous it becomes a disaster!

What a waste of taxpayer money! More government intervention and largesse! What a paternalistic nanny state!

When will men obtain free shaving products for their beards, chest and leg hair? (Caution: Irony)

"Scotland became the first country on Tuesday [11/24/2020] to pass legislation making women’s menstrual products like tampons and pads free in public facilities nationwide.The news was confirmed in a tweet from Scottish Parliament that the bill had “passed unanimously.”"

Scotland Becomes First Country to Make Tampons, Pads Free

Klimawandel: Neuer Treibhausgas-Rekord trotz Corona-Maßnahmen

Klimawandel, eine moderne Religion und Pseudowissenschaft, macht wieder Schlagzeilen! Das ist kein Journalismus, das ist übelste Demagogie! Joseph Goebbels würde vor Bewunderung erblassen!

Kurz zur Erinnerung: PPM steht für parts per million. Kohlendioxid ist ein lebenswichtiges Spurengas, das nur in geringsten Mengen in der Atmosphere vorkommt. Daher sind Veränderungen von wenigen PPM absolut lächerlich. Das Geschrei um ein paar PPM Anstieg ist geradezu grotesk! Nicht nur das der Autor des Artikels hat auch Messstationen und Monate selektiert. Aus irgendeinem Grund (vermute mal höchste Messergebnisse) ist die Messstation Mauna Loa auf Hawaii sehr beliebt bei Klimawandel Propagandisten!

"Die Weltwetterorganisation (WMO) hat Hoffnungen auf eine Verschnaufpause für das Klima im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie zunichte gemacht. ...
Welt muss bis 2050 klimaneutral werden ...
Konkret lag die CO2-Konzentration im vergangenen Jahr bei 410,5 ppm, nach 407,9 beziehungsweise 405,5 ppm in den beiden Jahren davor. ...
Das Treibhausgas-Bulletin nennt für die Konzentration in der Atmosphäre einen Durchschnittswert aus mehr als 100 Messstationen. Einzelne Stationen hätten für 2020 schon höhere Werte registriert als im Jahr davor. Die Station in Mauna Loa auf Hawaii etwa habe im September 411,29 ppm gemessen, verglichen mit 408,54 im vergangenen Jahr. Die Station Cape Grim auf Tasmanien in Australien habe 410,8 ppm gemessen, nach 408,58 im vergangenen Jahr."

Klimawandel: Neuer Treibhausgas-Rekord trotz Corona-Maßnahmen Zwar hat es durch das coronabedingte Lahmlegen vieler Wirtschaftsbereiche weniger Treibhausgas-Emissionen gegeben. Aber verlangsamt das den Klimawandel? Die Experten-Antwort ist eindeutig.

Ching Shih: The Pirate Widow Menace of the South China Sea

Very recommendable! What a lady! She commandeered over 1800 junks and 60,000 to 80,000 pirates! She was even pardoned and died peacefully surrounded by her family!

Prager University: How to Steal an Election: Mail-In Ballots

What a prescient video released Oct. 12, 2020. This video should have been released much earlier!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

BREAKING: Data group exposes wide spread Mail-In Ballot Fraud

Recommendable! This general election 2020 is not over, by far!

PA EXPLODES! Judge BLOCKS Vote Certification as SHOCKING Details of Voter Fraud EMERGE!!!


Fedora 33 Annoyances

Update of 12/22/2020

I am really annoyed! Every week there is at least one critical OS update to be installed!

Main Post

I have recently upgraded from Fedora 32 to 33. However, I have experienced quite a bit of issues with this version. I have been using Fedora Linux now for several years and I always upgrade to the latest version when available.

The upgrade itself was not smooth as advertised. In the end, I had to do it manually using DNF commands. I presume, e.g. I had done one update to many using the Software app before the upgrade. Something conflicted with the upgrade. I don't remember the details anymore.

Since the latest upgrade, I had to a lot of software updates almost on a daily basis.

There were a few other, unexpected and unfamiliar issues. They were annoying, but not critical and I don't remember the details anymore.

Software App

I have never seen something like this before with earlier Fedora versions. Several times now, I have seen even different error messages when invoking this app.

UAE and Israel – a partnership that can help the world

Recommendable! Blessed are the peace makers! Possibly, a match made in heaven! However, the article is written by Sabah al-Binali, a man who appears to have strong business interests in the UAE.

"... The positive attitude is being led from the top. One striking example is the website of the Abu Dhabi Investment Office, which appears in Hebrew if you click on it from Israel. They are also running Hebrew promotions across social media and have announced that they will open an office in Israel ..."
Probably, something that was unthinkable for decades!

"... Many business executives in the Gulf already have friends and even business relationships with their Israeli counterparts. Many of us have spent time studying or working in the United States, Europe and elsewhere, and established connections with Jewish and Israeli colleagues that in some cases go back decades. ...
The initial response to the Abraham Accords from Israel’s business community was to welcome the opportunity to access funds in the UAE and Bahrain for investment in Israeli startups. ...
Just like Israel, the UAE has been opening up to the world with its technology and entrepreneurship. In the space of a few short years, the UAE has become a world leader in logistics, finance, sustainable energy, smart transportation and smart cities. DP World, Dubai’s global ports company, has become the global trading gateway to Asia. The UAE has become a global financial, business, medical, hospitality and trading center. ...

The similar size of the Emirati and Israeli economies, and their complementary skill sets, make them extremely compatible for joint business ventures. The entrepreneurial and business mentality is strong in both countries. ...
Israel has traditionally looked West toward Europe and the US. The UAE is the gateway to Asia and the East. We can also help Israeli businesses enter new markets in the Muslim world, including the huge opportunities in Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan. ..."

UAE and Israel – a partnership that can help the world - ISRAEL21c

The technologies helping move agriculture indoors

Recommendable! Quite possible, Israel is a world leader in advancing agricultural technologies.

Thanks to the Abraham Accords, Israel and the UAE are planning to build advanced greenhouses in the desert of the UAE

"Though it costs more to raise produce in greenhouses or urban “farm factories,” the payoff is higher yield, quality and market value. The plants can grow year-round with less fertilizer and pesticide. ...
[A] 5.5-acre medical cannabis greenhouse complex in Greece is covered with f-CLEAN, a durable polymer offering exceptional light transmission and energy savings. ...
A British-Israeli venture formed from a merger of two established companies about eight years ago, Growponics designs and builds automated hydroponic greenhouse factories in urban settings. ... The plants move on conveyers. We eliminate aisles, which normally take up 15 to 20% of greenhouse space; and we adjust the spacing between plants in different parts of the growth cycle. That alone can increase yield by more than 40% on top of the savings from eliminating aisles. ...

The technologies helping move agriculture indoors - ISRAEL21c

Study shows hyperbaric oxygen can reverse the aging process

Updated on 1/6/2021

"... Efrati’s team at Shamir Medical Center’s Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research — one of the largest hyperbaric medicine clinics in the world – has found HBOT can improve brain function in some stroke, fibromyalgia and Alzheimer’s patients. ..."

Here is a new article about this subject from the same source:
From aging to chronic wounds, is hyperbaric oxygen a cure-all? High-pressure oxygen treatment can help heal any wound, whether on your skin or in your brain. Israeli experts explain its benefits and limitations.

This is an extended article, but still based on same research paper!
Original as of 11/25/2020

Are we to believe the good news? Is this just another of many claims over history to stop or even reverse the aging process? This hyperbaric oxygen treatment seems to make sense. Further research would not hurt! 

However, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a long and successful history of treating e.g. "carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, stubborn wounds, and infections in which tissues are starved for oxygen" (see e.g. Johns Hopkins article)

"Hyperbaric oxygen treatments can stop the aging of blood cells and even reverse the aging process in healthy aging adults, according to a recently published study from scientists at Tel Aviv University (TAU) and Shamir Medical Center.

The researchers found that a unique protocol of high-pressure oxygen treatments in a pressure chamber can reverse two major processes associated with aging: the shortening of telomeres (protective regions at both ends of every chromosome) and the accumulation of old, malfunctioning (senescent) cells. ..."

Study shows hyperbaric oxygen can reverse the aging process - ISRAEL21c High-pressure oxygen treatments are found to reverse two major cellular processes associated with aging and its illnesses.

Age-Related Cognitive and Functional Decline and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Here is the respective research paper:

Discretely assembled mechanical metamaterials

Amazing stuff! "Assembling modular parts into materials with unique characteristics"

"... The researchers created four different types of these subunits, called voxels (a 3D variation on the pixels of a 2D image). Each voxel type exhibits special properties not found in typical natural materials, and in combination they can be used to make devices that respond to environmental stimuli in predictable ways. Examples might include airplane wings or turbine blades that respond to changes in air pressure or wind speed by changing their overall shape. ..."
Probably, voxel is the wrong term here in my estimation!

"... Mechanical metamaterials offer exotic properties based on local control of cell geometry and their global configuration into structures and mechanisms. ... we present a construction system for mechanical metamaterials based on discrete assembly of a finite set of parts, which can be spatially composed for a range of properties such as rigidity, compliance, chirality, and auxetic behavior. ... This approach benefits from incremental assembly, which eliminates scale limitations, best-practice manufacturing for reliable, low-cost part production, and interchangeability through a consistent assembly process across part types."

Versatile building blocks make structures with surprising mechanical properties | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology The subunits could be robotically assembled to produce large, complex objects, including cars, robots, or wind turbine blades.

Here is the respective research paper:

Meeting the moment: 20 years of Critical Race Studies at UCLA School of Law

The University of California is celebrating 20 years of Critical Race Studies? Incredible! This indoctrination of students in pseudo science is awful! 

Did we not condemn the Nazis for their racial policies and Aryan race studies? Critical Race Studies is not much different!

What is one of CRS's great success stories listed by the article below: The football team once known as Washington Redskins changed their name! Can you believe it?

"In 2000, a group of UCLA School of Law professors, all scholarly leaders in the field of Critical Race Theory, gathered to form a first in legal education: an official, law school–based institutional program dedicated to advancing equality through the rigorous study of the intersection of race and the law.

Twenty years later, the Critical Race Studies (CRS) program remains unparalleled in legal education, is a key area of renown for UCLA Law, and ranks among our most popular centers of scholarship and specializations for students. ... more than a quarter of all students participate in the program and roughly 30 students graduate with certificates in the CRS specialization each year. ...
After decades of struggle by Native American activists — and stubborn resistance from team owner Daniel Snyder — the Washington Football Team (formerly known as the Redskins) announced in July of this year that it would finally change its name. ..."

Meeting the moment: 20 years of Critical Race Studies at UCLA School of Law | UCLA As UCLA Law’s Critical Race Studies program celebrates two decades, seven scholars take a close look at these challenging times

Exaggerated global vertebrate decline

Good news! Less alarmism is always welcome! When statistical methods are faulty!

"... Here we show, however, that this estimate [of global vertebrate decline] is driven by less than 3% of vertebrate populations; if these extremely declining populations are excluded, the global trend switches to an increase. The sensitivity of global mean trends to outliers ..."

A glimmer of hope on vertebrate biodiversity - Cosmos Magazine It’s been estimated that half to two-thirds of the world’s vertebrate populations, from birds and marine animals to elephants, frogs and snakes, have declined over the past five decades.
But the true picture is somewhat more hopeful, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. These “catastrophic” numbers are driven by a small fraction of populations in extreme decline.

Here is the respective research paper:

Laser nuclear fusion reactor approaches ‘burning plasma’ milestone

Recommendable! Detailed report on 10 years of research. 

Very slow progress at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where 192 lasers fire a focused beam on a nuclear fuel pellet for 10 years now.

Laser fusion reactor approaches ‘burning plasma’ milestone | Science | AAAS

Schottland macht als erstes Land Binden und Tampons kostenlos zugänglich

Was ist da los unter dem Schottenrock? Wann bekommen Männer endlich kostenlose Rasierer für Gesichts-, Brust- und Beinhaare? (Vorsicht: Ironie)

Schottland macht als erstes Land Binden und Tampons kostenlos zugänglich | NZZ In Schottland sollen Binden, Tampons und ähnliche Artikel künftig kostenlos erhältlich sein. Das Parlament in Edinburgh verabschiedete am Dienstagabend einstimmig einen entsprechenden Gesetzentwurf der Labour-Abgeordneten Monica Lennon. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How does SOUTH KOREA seek to protect itself from CHINA and NORTH KOREA?

Recommendable! Domestic made nuclear weapons? Apparently, South Korea has an impressive defense industry

Newt Gingrich: The Thieves Who Stole Our Election Got Sloppy

Recommendable! This is much bigger than Watergate!

The Thieves Who Stole Our Election Got Sloppy Laziness leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness is how the most brazen heist in American history is being exposed.
Stealing the 2020 election was a mammoth undertaking, involving widespread lawlessness and illicit partnerships between private actors and public officials. They’ve been working to cover their tracks since Election Day, but they didn’t work fast enough. 

How humans co-evolve with AI

Very recommendable! Humans co-evolve with technology and culture! The race between AI and humans is a journey ...

"... It is perhaps fitting that the dance community is beginning to embrace robots, with AI helping to create new movements and choreography, and with robots sharing the stage with human dancers. ... 
The relationship between society and technology is yin and yang, with every massive enhancement accompanied by the potential for danger. AI, for example, offers the promise to end boring, repetitive jobs, enabling us to engage in higher level and more fulfilling tasks. ... The positive versus negative polarity of how the technology is applied, the yin and yang, is an expression of the dualistic human mind. ...
I will unlock human potential and let us focus on the most interesting, most creative, most generative things. ...
Humans would be physically different if we had not invented fire or spears. We are Homo technicus as much as Homo sapiens.” ...
On the contrary, we are about to start branching [on the tree of life]. In the same way that culture coevolved with larger brains, we will coevolve with our creations. ..."

This is how we'll merge with AI | VentureBeat The relationship between humans and AI is something of a dance. We and AI come close together operating collaboratively, then are pushed away by the impossibility, only to stumble but return attracted by the potential. 

FDA allows emergency use of antibody drug President Trump received

President Trump the trailblazer or guinea pig? Any which way, we are now all benefiting from President Trump having tried this new medication with success!

President Trump is living proof to the world that the SARS-Cov-2 virus is fairly harmless. The endless, totally exaggerated scaremongering of the population and the Draconian measures have to stop! The medical and scientific profession has done the public a great disservice!

FDA allows emergency use of antibody drug Trump received U.S. health officials over the weekend agreed to allow emergency use of a second antibody drug to help the immune system fight COVID-19, an experimental medicine that President Trump was given when he was sickened last month.

Harvard University: Ibram X. Kendi discusses antiracism in education

What a delusional professor at Boston University suffering from a pathological obsession with racism. His name at birth was Ibram Henry Rogers.

Where is this X in his name coming from? Perhaps from communist, Nation of Islam member Malcolm X, who was a promoter of black supremacy?

"“There is no destination, it’s a journey of really consistently ensuring that we’re supporting antiracist policies and policy-makers and that we’re articulating antiracist ideas, and we’re constantly unlearning this conditioning.”"

Ibram X. Kendi discusses antiracism in education – Harvard Gazette A discussion about antiracism in higher education with Ibram X. Kendi ... the award-winning author of the New York Times bestseller "How to Be an Antiracist."

Religious Freedom: You Can't Be Free Without it

Very recommendable!
This is the 2nd time within a few months that I notice that Prager University chose very ambiguous titles for their videos.

Former U.S. Attorney, Joe diGenova, on the Growing Evidence of Voter Fraud

Very recommendable! Much bigger than Watergate!

Monday, November 23, 2020

You have every right to be suspicious | Benny Johnson

Very recommendable! This guy sums it up  quite well! He does not mince words!

Attorney Lin Wood: Lawsuits are not over in Georgia

Keep fighting the good fight! This Thanksgiving will be remembered for a generation! Much bigger than Watergate!

Sidney Powell Reveals Her Side; Suspect Voting Data; Major Georgia Lawsuit

Recommendable! Contains among other things an interesting examples of voting anomalies that if confirmed suggest tampering with the vote count!

2005 Carter-Baker Report Could Have Averted Problems With 2020 Voting

Perhaps, finally President Trump will contribute to cleaning up the long recognized voting mess in U.S. general elections! If I am not mistaken, few Western democracies have such massive issues with their voting systems than the United States! This will only contribute to his already impressive legacy!

With razor thin margins observed again and again in many elections and over many election cycles a clean up was urgently called for! Tone deafness is what our too many long time career politicians preferred!

"... The commission was created to address voting and election integrity issues raised by the tumultuous 36-day postelection battle of 2000, which was settled by the U.S. Supreme Court decision that resulted in awarding Florida’s 25 electoral votes and the presidency to Republican George W. Bush over Democrat Al Gore. ..."

2005 Carter-Baker Report Could Have Averted Problems With 2020 Voting They called on states to increase voter ID requirements; to be leery of mail-in voting; to halt ballot harvesting; to maintain voter lists, in part to ensure dead people are promptly removed from them; to allow election observers to monitor ballot counting; and to make sure voting machines are working properly. 
They also wanted the media to refrain from calling elections too early and from touting exit polls. 

Forced Coronavirus testing of about 17,000 Shanghai airport workers

How a totalitarian dictatorship handles Covid-19? In Shanghai, 17,000+ airport cargo workers were sealed [overnight] inside the facility for coronavirus testing after 7 cases were linked to the unit.

"The Shanghai case on Sunday gave a rare glimpse into the human toll of these testing blitzes. Smartphone videos circulating on Chinese social media showed thousands of cargo workers packed into an airport parking facility as they waited their turn for testing. People screamed as they were jostled back and forth. ... Hundreds of flights into the Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Monday were canceled ..."

Coronavirus testing panic grips Shanghai airport - The Washington Post

Supercooled water has been caught morphing between two forms

What little we still know about life's most essential substance! Notice, two different femtosecond lasers were used for these experiments!

This should also be a strong reminder that Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a modern religion based on not much but medieval superstition!

"... When free from impurities, water can remain liquid below its typical freezing point of zero degrees Celsius, forming what’s called a supercooled liquid. But the dual nature of supercooled water was expected to appear in a temperature realm so difficult to study that it’s been dubbed “no-man’s-land.” Below around –40° C, water remains liquid for mere instants before it crystallizes into ice. Making the task even more daunting, the high-density phase appears only at very high pressures. ..."

"We prepared bulk samples of supercooled liquid water under pressure by isochoric heating of high-density amorphous ice to temperatures of 205 ± 10 kelvin, using an infrared femtosecond laser. Because the sample density is preserved during the ultrafast heating, we could estimate an initial internal pressure of 2.5 to 3.5 kilobar in the high-density liquid phase. After heating, the sample expanded rapidly, and we captured the resulting decompression process with femtosecond x-ray laser pulses at different pump-probe delay times. A discontinuous structural change occurred in which low-density liquid domains appeared and grew on time scales between 20 nanoseconds to 3 microseconds, whereas crystallization occurs on time scales of 3 to 50 microseconds. The dynamics of the two processes being separated by more than one order of magnitude provides support for a liquid-liquid transition in bulk supercooled water."

Supercooled water has been caught morphing between two forms | Science News The result could help explain some of the weird properties of H20

Here is the link to the respective research paper:

Electric Vehicles are detrimental for the Environment

The trend of government forced prohibition of internal combustion engines in favor of electric vehicles in Western countries is quite absurd! These are clearly socialist central planning activities which we used to associate with the former USSR!

Why so many Western politicians are trying to fool voters and why so many Western citizens are so extremely gullible is beyond comprehension! What we are witnessing is nothing less than mass psychosis being exploited by populist politicians!

Just the enormous production of batteries necessary to power all these new vehicles is everything but environmentally friendly! How will all the electricity produced to recharge the EVs?

"... Producing a battery for an EV requires many mined materials, including lithium, cobalt, and rare earths. Most of this is mined and processed in nations like China, Congo, and Chile, where environmental standards are weaker than in the U.S. ... 
the energy that goes into making an EV battery is more than that needed for a conventional vehicle engine and results in greater carbon dioxide emissions during the manufacturing stage. This so-called carbon debt is incurred by each EV before it is even driven its first mile and may take years to repay. ...
Producing many more EVs will require dealing with many more spent EV batteries, which pose a number of environmental challenges beyond those associated with the lead-acid batteries in conventional vehicles. Recycling an EV battery is far from simple and poses a number of environmental tradeoffs. ..."

Would More Electric Vehicles Be Good for the Environment? - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Pentagon’s New Missile Interceptor Could Be a Game-Changer for ICBM Defense

Good news! This missile interceptor is not land based, but ship-launched!

"... The SM-3 Block IIA interceptor can launch from Aegis-equipped Navy destroyers or from Aegis Ashore missile defense systems, and is designed to intercept theater-range missiles. ...
Despite what they will charge, an underlay of SM-3 interceptors simply cannot defend against Russia’s and China’s advanced arsenals, whose sizes alone can overwhelm U.S. homeland defense. Especially as Russia and China hypocritically advance missile interceptors of their own ..."

Missile Interceptor Could Be a Game-Changer for National Defense In the wee hours of Nov. 17, as Americans slept, the U.S. Navy and the Missile Defense Agency successfully shot down an intercontinental-range ballistic missile using the Navy’s Standard Missile SM-3 Block IIA interceptor launched from a Navy destroyer.

Netanyahu met with Saudi crown prince in Saudi Arabia, Israeli media reports

Good news! Blessed are the peace makers!

"The meeting Sunday included U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and focused on Pompeo’s agenda of furthering Iran’s isolation ..."

Netanyahu met with Saudi crown prince in Saudi Arabia, Israeli media reports - Jewish Telegraphic Agency In what would be a first, the Israeli media is reporting that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Saudi Arabia for a meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

RCEP – ein Weckruf für den Westen

Empfehlenswert! Die Kräfte im Welthandel verschieben sich mehr und mehr in Richtung Asien! Regionale Abkommen verdrängen weltweite, multilaterale Lösungen! Während der Westen sich in völligen Übertreibungen zur Covid-19 Pandemie hingibt ist Asien vorangeschritten mit konsequenten wirtschaftlichen Maßnahmen!
As they say history waits for no one to get it on!

Die Auslassungen des Autors zu China sind weitgehend bedauerlich und peinlich. Er hat sich China angebiedert!

"... Abkommen aus westlicher Sicht mittelfristig dennoch nicht unterschätzt werden: Denn erstens ist es ein Signal an die «traditionellen» Industrieländer, insbesondere die USA, dass viele asiatische Länder fähig und willens sind, fehlende Fortschritte des multilateralen Wegs durch bilaterale oder plurilaterale Abkommen zu kompensieren. Asien – so heterogen der Kontinent auch ist – hat sich von den im 19. und 20 Jahrhundert führenden Industrienationen wirtschaftlich und politisch zusehends emanzipiert. ... 
Zweitens bildet die RCEP eine Plattform, auf der bestehende Vereinbarungen aufdatiert und neue ausgehandelt werden dürften. Denn auch FHA unterliegen einer Dynamik. Ohne eine Anpassung an die realwirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen und Handelsströme erodiert der Nutzen für die beteiligten Parteien. ...
Eine unmittelbare Auswirkung der RCEP ist, dass der multilaterale Weg über die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) weiter an Attraktivität einbüsst: angefangen bei der seit 2001 andauernden Doha-Handelsrunde, die faktisch für gescheitert erklärt werden kann ..."

RCEP – ein Weckruf für den Westen | Avenir Suisse Aus aktuellem Anlass Bedeutung der weltgrössten Freihandelszone für die Schweiz [und den Rest der westlichen Welt]

The Life Of The Real Margaret Thatcher documentary


Rarely in history have three great humans met like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II to make a lasting and positive difference on world affairs! Unfortunately, the documentary comes short to show the relationship between Thatcher & Reagan.

"To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the 'U-turn', I have only one thing to say: 'You turn [U-turn] if you want to. The lady's not for turning!'" (Source)

The iron leader of the Western world!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Alice Weidel in der Generalaussprache zur Politik der Bundesregierung am 30.09.20

Alice Weidel for Kanzlerin! SED Kanzlerin Merkel muss weg!

Could TAIWAN repel an INVASION by CHINA?

Recommendable! Short and to the point! Learn e.g. about Strategic Ambiguity, a term like it was coined by Sun Tzu.

I’M SICK OF TALKING! - Brexiteer orders Boris Johnson to walk away from EU talks now!

Indeed, Boris Johnson is very disappointing! Johnson fails to be one of the UK's great prime ministers like Margaret Thatcher!

"Former MEP and Brexiteer Ben Habib of Nigel Farage Brexit Party has told Prime Minister Boris Johnson to “walk away” from the trade talks with the EU in a fiery statement made in a recent interview."

Johann Sebastian Bach - Concerto for Four Harpsichords in A minor BWV 1065

Enjoy! Performed by the Netherlands Bach Society

China only reports less than 100K confirmed Covid-19 cases

While the world total as of 11/22/2020 is roughly 57.9 million confirmed cases

I think, communist dictator Xi Jinping needs to do some explaining! China has a population density of about 150 per square Kilometer and if you subtract the large deserts and other thinly inhabited areas it is much higher. Even Russia reported over 2 million cases.

Machine learning reduces use of riskier antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections

How machine learning is going to revolutionize medicine! Remember: This is only the beginning ...

"Because of its ubiquity, one topic that’s particularly concerning is urinary tract infections (UTIs), which affect half of all women and add almost $4 billion a year in unnecessary health-care costs. Doctors often treat UTIs using antibiotics called fluoroquinolones that are inexpensive and generally effective. However, they have also been found to put women at risk of becoming infected with other difficult-to-treat bacteria, such as C. difficile and certain species of Staphylococcus, and also to increase their risk of tendon injuries and life-threatening conditions like aortic tears. ...
In a new paper, the researchers present a recommendation algorithm that predicts the probability that a patient’s UTI can be treated by first- or second-line antibiotics. With this information, the model then makes a recommendation for a specific treatment that selects a first-line agent as frequently as possible, without leading to an excess of treatment failures. ... "

Algorithm reduces use of riskier antibiotics for UTIs | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology An MIT recommendation algorithm predicts the probability that a patient’s specific UTI can be treated by different antibiotics, minimizing the need to use particular antibiotics that may have negative side effects.

Here is the underlying research paper: