Monday, June 15, 2020

Can Software Performance Engineering Save Us From the End of Moore’s Law?

The article is mediocre and scratches only the surface, but the general idea that better software can more efficiently utilize existing hardware is worth pursuing. The accompanying research paper seems a bit odd too! Perusing the abstract of this paper, you get the impression that it is about hardware than software. Anyway!

"One performance engineering strategy is to “parallelize” code. Most existing software has been designed using decades-old models that assume processors can only perform one operation at a time. That’s inefficient because modern processors can do many calculations at the same time by using multiple cores on each chip, and there is parallelism built into each core as well."

Can Software Performance Engineering Save Us From the End of Moore’s Law? - IEEE Spectrum There’s a lot of to gain from writing more efficient code

Here is the underlying research paper:

There’s plenty of room at the Top: What will drive computer performance after Moore’s law?

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