Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Three Blows to the New World Order


As far as radical/fundamentalist Islam is concerned Bruce Thornton appears to have a blind spot or is not able to distinguish various movements within Islam. 

"Over the last three decades, however, three disruptions have challenged the assumptions of a Kantian “perpetual peace” based a “rules-based international order” that reflects a new “harmony of interests” among the world’s peoples. Each crisis has exposed the flawed assumptions behind the naïve optimism and arrogant over-confidence of those in the West who have promoted, built, and managed this paradigm. ... The election of Donald Trump for now has led to a retreat from policies that reflect this unwarranted and arrogant belief in transforming Muslim nations into Western liberal democracies. But the foreign policy establishment, evidenced in its hostility to Trump, still defends this bankrupt paradigm. ... In Europe, the sovereign debt crisis and bank failures revealed fault lines in the EU project. Its economic regulations and the single currency, managed by Brussels and its elite transnational technocrats, were exposed as incoherent: A single currency with various economic policies determined by distinct sovereign nations was always a recipe for disaster. Particularly in the Mediterranean South, interventions by the EU, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund were accompanied by demands for fiscal austerity that the Southern tier felt to be high-handed and arrogant.

Suddenly the “one Europe” version of the New World Order, in which national differences were subordinated to a transnational governing elite, was fissuring. National differences in cultures and mores were still important and acted as centrifugal forces, straining the bonds of the Union."

The Three Blows to the New World Order | Frontpagemag

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