Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Reducing delays in wireless networks with better congestion control

Good news! It's a mundane subject, but with great importance to our daily experience of using wireless networks.

" ... wireless networks, which have “time-varying links,” with rapid, unpredictable capacity shifts. Depending on various factors, such as the number of network users, cell tower locations, and even surrounding buildings, capacities can double or drop to zero within fractions of a second. In a paper ... the researchers presented “Accel-Brake Control” (ABC), a simple scheme that achieves about 50 percent higher throughput, and about half the network delays, on time-varying links. ... "

Reducing delays in wireless networks | MIT News: Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have designed a congestion-control scheme for time-varying wireless links, such as cellular networks, which reduces lag times and increases quality in video streaming, video chat, mobile gaming, and other web services.

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