Saturday, April 18, 2020

Covid-19 Model Failures Illustrate Climate Model Shortcomings - Climate Realism

As they say, there are lies, damned lies and computer simulations! 

Depending on the political/philosophical leanings of the model builders and operators, a computer simulation can give you any result you like! This has been well understood at least since the infamous 1972 Club of Rome study "Limits to Growth". This has indeed little to do with science and a lot do with demagoguery and propaganda!

Covid-19 Model Failures Illustrate Climate Model Shortcomings - Climate Realism: Climate and energy writer Norman Rogers has published an excellent article on the American Thinker website addressing the shortcomings of coronavirus models and climate models. Rogers points out that coronavirus models began predicting up to 2 million American deaths, only to be adjusted down to its current prediction of 60,000 deaths. The difference between 2 …

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