Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Slow Demise Of The Cato Institute

Posted: 5/25/2019

Caveat: I am not familiar with the internals nor the staff of the Cato Institute located in Washington D.C.

Once, not long ago, the Cato Institute was for decades one of the leading think tanks in the U.S. regarding classical liberalism. I used to be a member years ago. I have also attended a few of their events in the past. Cato used to be about: “The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace” and “Founded in 1977, Cato owes its name to Cato’s Letters, a series of essays published in 18th- century England that presented a vision of society free from excessive government power. ”

However, over the past two years or even longer, perhaps intensifying with the election of Donald Trump as president, the output of the Cato Institute has become shrill; often very naive, moronic, and ridiculous; and sometimes very counterproductive to the cause.

Here is a very recent, but symptomatic example of what I mean: Today (5/25/2019), the Cato Institute advertised following article on their Facebook page, which ended up on my Facebook page as well. The article featured in this post was Building a Wall around the Welfare State, Instead of the Country (originally published in 2013)
Just the headline itself is so moronic that it leaves one speechless! Any classical liberal minded individual must be immediately cringing when reading this!

The welfare state is an unconstitutional disgrace that should be largely dismantled and replaced by private initiatives etc.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend the staff from the top down read the Cato letters again and start over!

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