Sunday, May 05, 2019

Beware Of Misanthropes And Nihilists In Our Midst

Posted: 5/5/2019

I wish, I had more time to flesh out this post.

Now, that I (homo sapiens) have roamed this planet for over 50 years, I come to realize more sharply that many of our controversial debates of our times can be reduced to that a significant number of opponents or advocates of one side of the debate are either misanthropes and/or nihilists.

Combined with the incomprehensible prevalence of superstition and ignorance you can understand and participate in current and past debates much better.

With the waning influence of most world religions (at least in Western countries) and the search for new faith/purpose/meaning or the widespread adoption of pseudo religions (e.g. climate and environmental protection), human discourse can only get worse, before it gets better again.

Perhaps, we ought to learn more from the Jewish people: Despite their tragic history and internal strife over many issues, they seem to be overall optimistic, life affirming people. Just take as an example the famous book by Victor Frankl “Man's Search for Meaning”. And he is by far not the only Jew who tried to convert the Holocaust into a love of life and God is stronger than any evil.

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