Friday, May 17, 2019

A Bold Peace Plan For The 71 Year Old Israeli-Arab Conflict

Posted: 5/17/2019

Why not try land purchase? Prosperous Israel could propose to buy either Gaza or the West Bank by offering each inhabitant x amount of money as startup capital. Israel would commit itself also do its best to develop the economy and improve living standards etc. in the shortest time possible.

The inhabitants agree to live peacefully together with Israelis and respect Israel. Inhabitants will be offered:
  1. Conditional naturalization as Israeli citizens if an inhabitant so chooses
  2. Land ownership in the future if they comply with the terms of the land purchase
  3. Some form of autonomy to regulate their own affairs in accordance with Israeli laws and international law.

Such a land purchase may sound too realistic, but it would send a strong signal to the Arab people (especially and hopefully to the younger Arabs) that there are opportunities to be seized for a better life without constant armed conflict and being ruled by thugs and dictators etc. If any lessons from history may serve here: The U.S. have demonstrated that land purchases can be a very viable way too expand and to avoid further conflicts and too improve the living conditions of the people.

I am sure, I forgot something …

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