Saturday, May 04, 2019

Medicare For None

Posted: 5/4/2019

These days, influential politicians of the U.S. Dimocratic (no misspelling) Party are demanding socialist Medicare for All!

First and foremost, like Social Security, Medicare is a totally unconstitutional, socialist program that should have never been passed as law by the U.S. Congress (1965) or should have long been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. As so often, SCOTUS failed totally to protect the spirit and content U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence! This is one reason why Lyndon B Johnson was such a horrible, socialist president in the footsteps of Franklin D. Roosevelt!

Health insurance for the elderly should have been left foremost with the 50 states as federalism would strongly suggest. State governments would have been free to subsidize health insurance for the elderly as they see fit. Federal government ought to be limited to a supporting role, e.g. block grants to individual states etc.

The one size fits all solution of Medicare for all over 65 was a terrible decision like Social Security! In general, only elderly who can truly not afford health insurance should be helped by government or private organisations.

Unfortunately, socialist programs like Social Security and Medicare have become the gateway for more socialist programs. Welcome Hayek’s Road to Serfdom!

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