Friday, May 31, 2019

One Of Harvard University's Darkest Hours In Recent Times

Posted: 5/31/2019

How can one of the most recognized U.S. elite universities and one with the largest endowment have almost at the same time have the German chancellor Merkel and former Vice President Gore speak at Harvard University to the students?

Thus, Harvard University invited two of the perpetrators and promoters of the greatest hoax of our time, i.e. Global Warming (a.k.a. Climate Change). There is not much Veritas in that!

Absolutely incredible! What an enormous embarrassment! Can a U.S. ivy league university even stoop lower than that!

Al Gore a convenient and intemperate liar! Do I need to say more about this pompous man!

Angela Merkel, a very controversial chancellor from the former German Democratic Republic, who should have resigned years ago, has made so many egregious political mistakes that absolutely boggle the mind (e.g. ad hoc and permanent shut down of German nuclear power plants in the wake of Fukushima; introduction of federal minimum wages; crazy Energiewende and more)! She has turned a once traditional centrist-christian party into a green party on steroids!

What did this moronic Merkel mean when she encouraged Harvard students by “But if we break down the walls that hem us in, if we step out into the open and have the courage to embrace new beginnings, everything is possible”. Has she called for permanent social unrest?
Not to mention this metaphor eerily reminds one of the famous speech Ronald Reagan gave. Only Reagan got it right, Merkel is preposterous!


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