Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Long Underestimated Human Cerebellum

Posted: 1/23/2019

Most shockingly we learn that scientists have neglected the human cerebellum (little brain) for about 200 hundred years. They sort of dismissed this part of the brain as “solely dedicated to the control of movement” although this part “contains approximately half of the brain’s neurons”.

According to this article (emphasis added):
  1. “One of the strongest pieces of evidence for the cerebellum’s broader repertoire emerged around two decades ago, when ... described cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome after discovering behavioral changes such as impairments in abstract reasoning and regulating emotion in individuals whose cerebella had been damaged. Since then this line of study has expanded. There has been human neuroimaging work showing the cerebellum is involved in cognitive processing and emotional control—and investigations in animals have revealed, among other things, that the structure is important for the normal development of social and cognitive capacities. Researchers have also linked altered cerebellar function to addiction, autism and schizophrenia.”
  2. “New research, published this week in Science, demonstrates that a pathway directly tying the cerebellum to the ventral tegmental area (VTA)—one of the brain’s key pleasure centers—can control these two processes. “This work helps lay out the circuitry connecting the cerebellum to social and reward processing,””

Science is not free of dogma, hubris, prejudice, and narrow mindedness! Also known as the pretense of knowledge!

Keep in mind Global Warming (a.k.a. Climate Change) is the greatest hoax of our age! And scientists helped to perpetrate and amplify it!


Mindvalley said...

Thanks for the post, great tips and information which is useful for all.

Mindvalley said...

Thanks for the post, great tips and information which is useful for all.