Friday, January 11, 2019

Google Sheets Annoyances

Update of 4/11/2022

Two related Javascript issues:

  1. Apparently you cannot inherit/extend from a base class if it is located in another script file within the same project.
  2. Further, you cannot inherit/extend from a class in a project if the class is located in a library that was added to your project!

Posted: 1/11/2019  Updated: 2/25/2021, 1/14/2021, 7/12/2020, 5/23/2020, 5/22/20205/20/2020, 3/19/2019, 2/16/2019, 2/4/2019, 1/31/2019, 1/15/2019

  1. Programming across multiple, open Spreadsheets is cumbersome! (4/20/2021) Usually, I have at least a half a dozen spreadsheets open at any time in Google Chrome browser. I believe it is e.g. currently not possible to enumerate all open Spreadsheets. E.g. how to copy data from one open Spreadsheet into another one in a simple straightforward way?

  2. Scripting Error Messages not helpful: If you have added several libraries to your current project and an error occurs in one of your libraries, good luck finding the cause. Google script error message will only tell you the name of the script file and line number!

  3. Cut and paste: For some time I noticed another bug! When you cut and paste the content of a cell (source) to another cell (target), then the formatting previously applied to the source cell is reset to default. (Not fixed as of 4/10/2021)

  4. Paint format tool: Today, I finally realized that this tool comes with a bug. Unexpectedly, the cell content you choose as the source for the paint format tool copies the content of the cell to the clipboard. This is not a feature, but a very undesirable bug! I have wondered several times in the past why the content of the clipboard changed unexpectedly when I was working with Google sheets. (5/22/2020)

  5. Query Function: Yesterday, I discovered and experimented with this powerful function. However, Google provides very few, basic functions to be used with the SQL select statement. This is very disappointing!!! Further, the use of column identifiers in the SQL select statement is unnecessary complicated! (5/22/2020)

  6. Named Ranges: If you try to delete a named range that has #REF error you are still asked to confirm the deletion! (5/20/2020)

  7. Google Sheet Open: Google Sheet allows twice or more in same instance of Google browser without warning!
    This is terrible behavior! Very annoying! (3/19/2019)

  8. Sorting functionality: Sorting on more than one column is cumbersome. Google sheets does not remember on which columns you have previously sorted. Very annoying! (3/19/2019)

  9. Notes issues:

    1. The notes box does not automatically adjust to the size of the content. Very annoying, especially if you have little text in the cell note (2/16/19)

  10. Filter issues: 

    1. Difficult to see instantly whether any filter is enabled on a sheet

    2. Cumbersome to remove a specific filter once you do not need it anymore

  11. Built in functions

    1. Missing function to create unique ids (as a minimum unique at the single sheet level or better at the user level; does not have to be globally unique)

  12. Formula entry field frequently turns on overwrite modus out of the blue. Very annoying!

  13. Control Find (Search functionality) issues:

    1. The find box to enter search terms of the Chrome browser and the Google sheet almost look the same and appear almost in the same location on the screen. If you are in a hurry, you are bound to mix them up. Very annoying! 

    2. If there a blank is the first character of the search term, search fails. This is very surprising and annoying (2/16/19)

    3. Often it is not clear whether the search has actually completed. Preferably, there should be a message/signal (2/16/19)

  14. No feedback on deleting rows. If you are deleting non contiguous rows (like filtered rows) from a large spreadsheet, then it helps if you learn how many rows were actually deleted (I believe Excel gives you this kind of feedback) (added 1/31/2019) 

  15. The right click menu when hovering over a cell or you have selected a single row extends often outside the visible screen when close to the visible screen margin. Very annoying! (added 1/31/2019)

  16. Custom functions (added 2/4/2019):

    1. The script editor is so primitive as to be quite useless. Anybody who worked with an IDE like Microsoft Visual Studio before, knows exactly what I mean

    2. The official tutorials are so basic as to be useless

    3. The documentation is ambiguous and very general

    4. Activecell.getValue() and Activecell.getDisplayvalue return the same cell content although the cell contains a formula that was set by the custom function using activeCell.setFormula. Documentation on this is useless! Possibly a bug!

  17.  Inserting new rows at the bottom of the sheet loose existing formatting E.g. if you have chosen to apply text wrapping on the right hand side for an entire column, your new rows will be reset to default text wrapping (added 7/12/2020)

More annoyances will be added!

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