Thursday, January 31, 2019

Europe Dominated By Queens

Posted: 1/31/2019

Feminism is a horrible and deeply flawed ideology. Unfortunately, too many gullible men have succumbed to feminism. Feminism is the battle of the sexes and women are winning and gaining in power at the expense of men, because men have always been weak chivalrous.

For some reason, I never realized to this day how many female monarchs dominated Europe during long periods of time.

Take Catherine de Medici and Queen Elizabeth I, who reigned almost simultaneously over France and United Kingdom.

Take Catherine the Great and Maria Theresa, who also reigned almost simultaneously over Russia and the Habsburg empire.

Then there was the long reign of Queen Victoria over the British Empire

I am sure, there are more influential queens in European history. I know there were other notable Queens in earlier history e.g. Queen Boudica. Is it possible that our perception of male dominated history is overly influenced by Roman and Greek history?


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