Sunday, December 06, 2015

The U.S. Presidents's Sexual Appetites

Posted: 12/6/2015  Updated: 12/15/2015


It appears that in recent times more stories came out about how much President Kennedy was a womanizer. Just watched these two YouTube clips about that (I presume these stories are valid):

Given all these stories surrounding JFK’s sexual appetites what did Jacqueline know about it and how much did she approve of it or even cover up for it.

Bill & Hillary Clinton

The second video actually shows a picture of 15 year old Bill Clinton attending a public event with JFK.

As far as the presidential elections of 2016 are concerned, do we want Bill Clinton in the White House again? Perhaps, if We The People can be assured there will be no female interns in the White House during President Hillary’s term. (just kidding)

Lack Of Discipline

If a president of the U.S. cannot refrain from having intimate affairs during his maximal 8 year term with even young interns than this is a massive failure of character and lack of discipline.

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