Thursday, August 08, 2013

US Embassy Closings Are An Unreasonable Overreaction

The Overreaction

19 US embassies are closed for one week (early August 2013). Numerous so called nonessential staff were told to leave. Is this just an overreaction to the Benghazi scandal? I don’t think so.

Foolish & Unreasonable

Why did the Obama administration not choose a more discreet and less dramatic way? This would have been a lot smarter and they would not have to reveal that they intercepted certain communications between top leaders of Al Quada.

A Superpower Needs To Stand Her Ground

What if the terrorists wait another week or more? Will the US embassies be closed again? For a superpower like the USA to resort to such crude measures in beyond belief. What about all the people who depend on the US embassies for their business and life affairs? Will the terrorists now look for other, more vulnerable targets?

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