Thursday, August 29, 2013

A New Analysis On Western Movies

A New Book From The Ludwig Von Mises Institute

In this book, I admit I have not read it, the author claims that well known cowboy movies from the post World War II period by such renown directors as John Ford, Howard Hawks, or Anthony Mann contain significant anti Capitalist messages.

Here is a salient quote from the book’s advertisement:
“Ryan McMaken shows that the Western is in fact often anti-capitalist, and in many ways, the genre attacks the dominant ideology of nineteenth-century America: classical liberalism. … In addition to attacks on capitalism, the Western attacks other prized values of the bourgeois middle classes including Christianity, education and urbanization.”

Subversion Made In Hollywood

It is kind of established that a majority of academia in the US is left leaning, progressive minded and for big government.

I would not be surprised if something similar has not occurred in the US film industry. From the perspective of Socialist minded people with influence what would have more a subtle or not so subtle impact on millions of unsuspecting viewers of every age year after year than movies with subversive messages. To distribute political messages via popular movies is a temptation do gooders or progressives cannot resist.

Mary Poppins

I plan to write a blog on this movie, because, in my opinion, it is full of subversive messages against Capitalism and moral values.

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